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Everything posted by balmerpiggs

  1. The form I received can be seen on the Gov.uk website to download and can be found by Searching Google for "claim form N1" it is a blue form However I have noticed a couple of areas a missing from the form I received from PB In the top right box I don't have the section that says Fee Account No. And lower down the first page I don't have the box that says You must indicate your preferred County Court Hearing Centre for hearings here (see notes for guidance) I don't suppose it matters that on this draft I have received they are missing as they would no doubt be there if it was a real form they were going to send
  2. Yes I suppose that's correct ,I Have not received an official or genuine court claim form , what they have sent me is a repeat of the original correspondence and also a look a like court claim form with DRAFT stamped on it I believe its a genuine court form that they have photo copied and placed my details and has brief details of what I would assume they would intend to claim if they were to submit it to a real court , on the bottom the court address is Chancery Chambers Royal Courts of Justice 7 rolls Building Fetter Lane London ,and on the top right corner it says IN THE Intellectual Property enterprise Court , But I am 100% sure it has not been sent from the court it has been sent from Palmer Biggs
  3. Hi I am hoping for some outcome advice as to people that have had dealing with Palmer Biggs legal ,after receiving my first bundle of papers from them earlier this year and more recently a draft court claim form that related to a large German based car company and their intellectual property rights , A Google search of them for advice led me to this site and I have found many interesting threads relating to people who found them selves in very similar situations to the one I am in with Palmer Biggs (it also seems that PB have been successful in having lots of other search results withdrawn from Google results ) with threads dating back to 2011 , so far I have not responded to any letters or made any contact with PB firstly due to me not being able to comply with the quite big list of demands regarding information they require regarding sources of the items I was selling and details of sales profits and stock location etc , They also demanded payment of £1000 plus that felt like quite a big blow , another reason I have done nothing is that to be quite honest I felt this firm could be anybody simply sending out demands and scary looking legal letters hoping that people will pay up without much of a fight and if what I was doing regarding this car company was illegal then I would have expected contact via a knock on the door from the relevant agency policing such matters rather than a bill from a solicitors that appears to have an office above an estate agents, The items they seemed to have taken issue with were what I would consider a side line and not the main core stock of semi related items offered on eBay after receiving the letter from PB the items they took issue with have been withdrawn from sale and removed from our possession and premises . Although there are a good number of years old threads I have yet to find anybody come back and say I did nothing and nothing has ever happened , To be quite honest I would be willing to negotiate an end to the matter if I could do so on terms I could comply with am worried about once replying then being on the hook so if any body has either negotiated an end of not heard anything since them I would be grateful for some insight and advice
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