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Everything posted by UK_Templar

  1. Hi, I need your advice I parked on a street where nobody shows the timer this is on disabled and non-disabled cars, I parked in a disabled slot and placed my blue badge, when I came back 20mins later from a dental appointment I was given a notice, I have only had a blue badge a few months CODE 40 "Parked in a designated disabled persons parking place without clearly displaying a valid disabled persons badge" The images shown on the enforcement site showed 2 images taken at an angle so you could not see the dashboard or badge. I questioned this with photo evidence they came back and said it was for not showing the timer, I questioned again that the notice said nothing about a timer. They sent back more images showing the blue badge they had there was no mention of this in the first reply from them. Where do I stand on this? Does anybody know what the codes are for the parking notices, and is there one for not showing the timer? your help appreciated
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