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  1. Hi, Nobody did ever ring me back. i email customer services and this was how the arrangement came about. I am about to send off a subject access request to them via recorded post instead but was wondering if i need to specifiy what information i want. Or is it just a case of saying i want EVERYTHING you have. Thanks
  2. thank you everybody for your help! very much appreciated I have sent a Subject Access request to them. Just waiting for the person who is dealing with the access request to ring me and take the £10 payment. They are now saying that they wont send me any evidence of tampering or engineer reports until they have the police report from the hostage incident. No idea why. I have written to the police constable requesting the police report. I have written down every time and date that i have spoke to utilita by going through my call logs. so i am hoping they supply all the call recordings from my log. Only issue i have is that i dont have a record of incoming calls.
  3. Not yet no. I am in the process of gathering evidence. I have requested all of my notes and phone calls. I have requested the police report as i know it will say i wasnt holding anybody against there will. also waiting for a report from the housing trust to say the consumer box was fine. I dont know wether to go the OMBS or just go straight to court. I am willing to go the as far as i can with this. I just cannot let this stand as it is.
  4. Hi, First post here and i apologise for the length of this post. I have tried to keep it as short as possible but its such a long story. My electricity supply is with Utilita. We like them because they give you a handheld device on which you can check your balance/energy usage ect. One day i get a message on my device saying there is a fault with our meter and we must call the number shown. The electricity worked absolutely fine. we were having no issues at all but rang the number anyway. After 5 minutes on hold i hung up and decided i would call back the following day. The following day i completely forgot as the message had disappeared. it wasn't until a few days later when i tried to top up my electricity online that i was getting an error. It wasn't letting me add money to the meter for some reason and i was already almost up to the limit on my emergency credit. It was the following day that i assumed the electricity would go off until i paid the emergency and topped up, but it never went off. I rang again and explained my issue to costumer service. She told me she would get the relevant department to ring me back. They never did. a good few weeks past and the electricity still did not cut off and the smart meter was reading around -£100. It was then on the 24th July that they rang and said the fault with the meter needs sorting and asked if somebody could come around the look at it. I agreed no problems and we arranged a time for him to attend when i was home from work on the same day. They sent an engineer from a company called Trojan. He came in and looked at the meter. He took pictures of the meter then explains he has been told to replace it. I said that was fine as long as that when it comes back on i dont want to be without electricity and a -£100 balance as i didn't have the money to pay it off right away. He said dont worry the electricity will come back on then you will go into a debt with utilita and just pay it off slowly. He then carried on working but i noticed that he was now installing the meter outside instead of where it orginally was inside. I asked him why he was doing this and he explained that he has been told to. here is where the story gets good. you cant make this stuff up. It was 2 hours later i could hear him on the phone to his boss saying he was having problems. He was going over wire configurations over and over again. He must of made around 5 different phone calls to support because he couldn't get it back on. I went back out to see what was up he told me that my consumer unit may be faulty because the supple wasnt coming back on.. I assured him that my consumer unit is working 100% and it has done for 26 years. It was working when he arrived and now he tells me its stopped working within the 2 hours he has been swapping my meter. He said to give him a while longer. It was getting on 8 pm and it was friday night. The next minute i heard a van door shut so i ran outside and he was about to leave! i asked him what was happening and he said that he has now been told to leave it! i said you have got to be joking. You cannot just leave me here on a friday night. He passed me on the phone to him supervisor he told me its my consumer unit which is faulty and there is nothing more they can do. Now i know they are just trying to pass the blame here and at this point i was absolutely furious. i was on the phone to utilita and the engineer was sitting in his van. My phone battery was dying so i had to sit in my car to charge it up using a phone charger. Utilita was also trying to tell me its my consumer unit. i kept telling them they he cannot leave me like this. i had another word with the engineer and he admitted to me that there was no fault. He was called out because they suspected the meter had been tampered with. he said he found no tampering but was told to move the meter anyway. So how can the consumer box be faulty when there was no fault to begin with. Next minute 3 more trojan vans turn up and the guys dont get out there vans. I thought they had arrived to help get my supply back on. they just sat in there vans surrounding my house. 5 minutes later the police show up!! the police have a word with the engineer who was in his van. Then approach me and tell me they have been called out to a hostage situation. They had a call saying i was holding the engineer hostage in my house. All the Trojan vans then drive away and i am left here without a supply with two police officers at my house. They were really nice actually they knew what the crack was and they knew that there time was being wasted. In the end i called the housing trust because i rent from them and explained the situation. They sent around an electrician and he came and checked the consumer box and told me it was working fine. He agreed to look at the wiring that the Trojan engineer had done to see if he can help. He noticed right away that he had miss labeled two main cables. Swtiched them around and boom the supply came back on. It was the following monday that i complained to utilita and was apologised to. They told me they were wrong, the meter had not been tampered with and everything is back to order now. Only thing is it wasnt! the meter was still not letting me top up and the supply was still not going off. The meter went back -£30 again i rang up and explained. Was told the meter was not going back because it is in credit £50. Great by me. Left it at that. wasn't until the meter was back £-55 that i knew something was wrong again. it was 7th september at 12 midnight and the electricity supply cut off. i rang utilita at 7 am when they opened and they sent out another Trojan engineer. He checked the meter and looked soo confused. He told me the meter was hanging off the wall and wasnt even commissioned. i explained the story to him and he sorted it all out for me. The supply didnt come back on because he said you need to sort that with Utilita. I rang utilita and they told me the reason your supply went off at 12 midnight last night was because you tampered with our meter and you held our engineer hostage! I felt like crying at this point. I am so so innocent and i just cannot win with these. It turned out the guy didnt read all the notes. He had me on hold for 20 minutes then come back on and apologised. It was many many phone calls later that the supply did actually come back on. Everything seems to be working as it should now. I got a phone bill for this month and it is a staggering £100 over my norm. I found out it was the extra calls to utilita. I decided to give them an emailing explaining everything and assumed that they would pay it as its really not my fault i had to call these guys. i got a reply back from them yesterday: "I’m really sorry for the inconvenience this matter has caused you. I’ve looked in to this for you and can advise that upon listening to the calls made between yourself and our call centre it would seem that our engineer was kept at your premises against his wishes. The engineer was initially sent out as we believed there might be a fault or safety concern with the electricity meter. However upon the engineer’s arrival, we realised that the meter had been tampered with and the energy was being illegally sourced from the mains. As advised previously, we’ll not be reimbursing you for any cost incurred and should you wish to change suppliers, then the outstanding balance would need to be cleared. "" Words cannot describe how angry and upset i am. Can somebody please give me some guidance on what todo next. This is causing me so much stress its not even real. What makes this worse as well is that off the time of the orignal incident i was in the middle of chemotherapy. I had literally just come from having it when i let the engineer in. Sorry again for the length but i just dont know what todo.
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