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Everything posted by smellyjim69

  1. She said it was a smear clinic that afternoon, but it wasn't, smear clinics are Wednesday but I work then. Does that change anything? And how has my confidentiality not been breached? I'm genuinely curious, not disbelieving you. Thanks
  2. Thanks for reply. I don't really know what I would like to happen. I do know how I want to feel...understood. I want her to recognise why I am upset and to understand -and be big enough to admit that she was wrong however much she claims she was joking. i think that I want her formally reprimanded in some way, otherwise she could just take the attitude of getting away with it.
  3. Hi everyone. I'm looking for some advice regarding what I consider to be a breach of my patient confidentiality. I will try to cut a long story short. I went to my GP for a routine cervical screening procedure. Before my appointment time, I nipped to the loo. As I was making my back through the waiting room, my name was called. Before I reached the nurse I heard her say to a gent in the room "don't worry, I didn't call you, I know your not here for a smear test". I could have died. I don't embarrass easily, but I was mortified. I followed nurse into the treatment room and asked if I'd misheard. She replied it was just a joke. No it wasn't I said, it was a breach of patient confidentiality, and if I done that, I would lose my job. Well I was only joking she said, and anyway I'm running a smear clinic this afternoon so he would have known anyway. No he wouldn't, I said, he doesn't have a cervix so he wouldn't know, besides, that's not the point, You had no right to say it. Well I've said it now, sorry if you aren't happy, now are you having the procedure or not she said. No! I go to rebook at reception and they're adamant she will have to do it another day. I'm trying to calmly tell them I will wait longer and see the other nurse. they're making it difficult though. I ended up losing it completely, crying with humiliation and anger. A stranger even hugged me(and I'm not a hugger!). In seeing a different nurse in a few weeks, but I'm meeting with the practise manager next week to formally complain. I guess I'm asking what my rights are. I was utterly humiliated, but her lack of care make it all the worse. She was given ample opportunity to apologise,and whilst I would've been angry, I would've accepted it. Instead she treated me like I had the problem, the sense of humour failure. I'm absolutely furious that she made me feel the way she did. And that she even said it in the first place. If your still reading, thank you. I would just like to know what I can reasonably expect to happen if I formally complain. Thanks.
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