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billy no help

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  1. I am looking for a little bit of advise - the prices I have been quoted by solicitors are just astronomical and I really cannot afford them . I am self employed. I have checked with my pubic liability insurance and home insurance to see if I am covered for some legal help/representation but unfortunately not! Earlier this year I completed some work for a private LL, fitted and new kitchen, new bathroom, painted throughout and did some small extras. I completed the work to a high standard and on time. I even threw in a load of freebie work! The final bill was due (the LL paid instalments throughout) and suddenly the LL became un-contactable. Nearly 2 weeks later they finally got back to me saying they'd only pay me half of what was owing "as it was a reflection of the work completed". I had no warning of this and the LL didn't inform me of any problems. The amount owing is near to me is nearly 1k. I took the claim to a small claims, where she has presented a counter claim to the value of £1600 of, quite frankly, made up claims She is also using a solicitor and compiled a '120' page booklet of her counter claim - the dates, times and photo's are made up, inconsistent and just unfair. I have a video of the full property when my work was completed, dated photos and there really is no reason for her to withhold this money OR counterclaim. The fact is, I'm very nervous and could do with a few pointers/something strong and factual to point out in court. I would really appreciate some help and guidance.
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