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  1. Dear all, I have a few questions I wonder if anyone can help with. The scenario is thus: I live in a block of flats with parking. Each flat has its own allocated bay. I own my own flat (leasehold, not renting) and I am sure (but I suppose I would have to check the leasehold) that means I own my own parking bay too. I have today received a letter saying "owing to complaints from residents regarding parking, we are implementing permits and ticketing". The letter also states "We, [management company] have no control over revoking parking tickets. Any issues with parking control must be addressed to [parking company]". The management company (or a parent company or sub-company or similar) is also the landowner. Yes, it's annoying if someone nicks your space, but I can't help but think there are going to be a lot more complaints from residents who get tickets. I have been given a permit to display. I'll put it in the car, of course, but... On what basis can they implement this? As I understand it, the 'parking charge' from a ticket is essentially damages either for trespass or breach of contract. If trespass: 1) surely the parking bay is mine to do with as I please; 2) how can the landowner say they are not involved in revoking tickets? Any 'damages' claim would have to be in their name and they can decide whether to pursue it or not. If contractual, how can I have agreed to this 'contract' when there is nothing in my lease? If (assuming the worst) I was to receive a ticket for parking in my own space, would I have any redress against the management co. for a) interfering with my right to park in my space / my right to a peaceful existence; 2) employing gibbons to do the ticketing; 3) saying I'm a party to a contract when I'm not? Cheers in advance
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