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  1. Thank you maroondevo52, f16, citizenB for the replies. I did contract him for the whole job. At present i do not think i have any other option but to wait till he finishes the job helplessly. is anyone aware of any legal action one can take?
  2. thank you king12345 for the reply. the delay is not because things going wrong but due to the painter not giving enough time on the job. he frequently keeps going away and on an average spend 2-3 hours in the whole day on the job. i cannot continue with an uncertain finishing date which has been dragging for more than 2 weeks already and not sure for how long it is going to drag. i have written to dulux but they have not replied anything at present.
  3. Hi Please advice on what legal rights I have on the following problem In July this year I employed a dulux select decorator to paint my house . He said both he and his son are dulux select decorators and showed their id cards and said they will both work and complete the job in about 4-6 weeks as it is a big job. I found him through deluxe recommended decorators website. I have been having following problems with him 1. the painter has been using another person who is not dulux select decorator to do most of the job. 2. the work is already delayed by two weeks and he is still not giving a finishing date and keeps on saying 'we will finish soon and I can't give a finishing date as it will cause friction'. 3. he has threatened to walk out of the job when I said I will pay him the remaining 25 % money after he completes the job as i have already paid him 75% of the money. 4. he is causing lot of stress as the whole house is upside down due to things being move for decoration and I am expecting guest. I feel really stuck and helpless. Is their a legal process that i can use to inform him that if he does not finish my work by next week he could be penalised? Thank you
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