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  1. In other words, you have removed the option of buying your ridiculously expensive service cover, now customers have no 'option' as you have sneakily included it as part of the price making out its an added bonus!! Optional service cover is basically now mandatory service cover whether you need it or not, you are not offering every customer the 5 star service package, you are forcing us to pay for it, i certainly don't need it, i had no delivery, no installation, i bought a mobile phone so why am I being charged for a service I have not and will not receive under my agreement? Yet you brazenly claim you listened to your customers and they actually wanted this! Laugh out loud. Not. Also, can you tell us what reasons Brighthouse gives for the massive hike in interest rates to 69.9% Apr and for electronics it is now a ridiculous 99.9% Apr? We're they not taking enough with the new service cover [problem]? I'd love to hear how they justify that doozie although I doubt I will.......
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