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Everything posted by Badoo

  1. The court where I now live who accepted the declaration and held the hearing this morning say they notified the enforcement office on the 20th July but when I spoke to Marston two days ago the call handler told me the declaration can't have been accepted as their client still wanted me to pay, I told him it was and offered to send a copy of the form myself but he said only the court can stand them down. I've rung the court and again told the magistrates today, I just hope something gets through to them as they said will be enforcing the fine collection next week and it's the last thing I want on my doorstep when am home alone with young children.
  2. I have had one case closed following a statutory declaration and at the new hearing the DVLA case was dismissed http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?451204-being-fined-for-lack-of-insurance-Dvla-**-case-dismissed**-or-is-it but Marston won't stop persuing me! The court say they have notified both the dvla and enforcement centre but they don't appear to have any record of it and will not listen to me or contact the court themselves to verify. Please, how can I force them to check their information and leave me alone. Thank u.
  3. Hi all, first post here following a visit to court this morning I wanted to thank those of you who have published your stories as it was both informing and reassuring while researching my case & I also wanted to pass on what happened. Briefly I was being fined for lack of insurance on a vehicle which had been in the possession of a dealer for five months prior to the date stated, but all correspondence was sent to my old address it reached court level without my knowledge, first I knew was the arrival of a payment demand which funnily found the correct address! one statutory declaration later, the first case was closed & a new one opened with six weeks given for me to try to sort it out of court. I sent the dvla full explanation, letter from the garage, copy of the declaration etc & waited, this morning I was out chasing the postman to see if the reply which they say they have sent but can't 'discuss by phone' would appear before I set off to court but it hadnt so defence in hand I spent the morning waiting to be called, finally went in to be asked if I was still pleading not guilty? Yes. If I had traveled from home, yes, If I worked/childcare etc yes followed by the fact that they had no prosecutor! That I should go buy a lottery ticket & my case was dismissed! So happy to have avoided going through it all and relieved to be free from conviction but at same time I wanted to prove myself innocent rather than win by default & feel indignant that my time was wasted while I presume they did not organise a prosecuter? although the court offered travel expenses it doesn't compensate for the amount of stress that I've gone through fighting this or the time off to attend. my question to those of you still reading is this, how do I now stop the enforcement office chasing me? Despite the court notifying them that my statutory declaration was accepted for the original case they appear to have no record of this & have continued to send letters and tell me they will be bringing in the bailiffs on Monday! Now the new case has also been dismissed are the dvla & enforcement office going to register/accept this? Before leaving I told the magistrates that I was still being persude & their only answer was that the court has/would tell them & if still harass me tell them to contact court directly, trouble is I tried that last week for the closed case and they wouldn't listen! So happy days cases dismissed but I have a strong feeling this is not the end of my battle.
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