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Everything posted by Surfeit

  1. Cheers dx100 that's really helpful Sorry for annoying and another question but if I paid within the 28 days, there would be NO EFFECT on my credit file whatsoever? Like lenders would be able to see that a CCJ was granted but i paid within 28 days?
  2. How much significance does settling a default have vs not doing so? I understand that while a default is active the creditors or DCA can file for a CCJ which would mess me up for another 6 years, but worst case scenario this happened, is it true I have like 30 days to pay in full and the CCJ won't be added to my file?
  3. So basically it will make no difference whether I apply for the card now or after September 4th? (when default will be 3 years old) NatWest will judge the application the same?
  4. That won't pay for a meal/ingredients in case of an emergency though
  5. The lender in question is NatWest - who I have a great history with managing my account well with them for over 10 years + my credit file has been squeeky clean for the last 3 years I was hoping this would be enough to secure the approval from them and not get declined The maximum limit they give is £500, no exceptions so it's not like it will get out of control, but I need one for emergencies. I have an interest-free overdraft but this credit card is much better than payday loans etc
  6. If you search about this online you'll find a lot of interesting things but nothing really that clarifies it 100%. Some people claim they have been successful getting prime credit cards etc with defaults over 3 years old while others say it's simply not true. I've read that "most lenders perform what is known as a 3yr search so if you're clean for the last 3yrs it will go unnoticed totally, if you had missed payments or something bad they would perform a full 6yr search and see it" The reason I am interested is because I have a default that will be 3 years old in a few weeks and am wondering whether I should wait for this before I apply for a student credit card? And if so will it be ok to apply the exact day the default is 3 years old or wait a further few days/weeks? Any advice would be appreciated
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