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  1. Apologies, my phone had a wobbler and iv only just seen your previous messages... I will try and clear up what iv said lol The car was advertised as a 2013 - 62 in two places. Further down the advert it says model year 2013 stating it is an import. It says on the advert car was first registered in July 2013, it also says date of registration on receipt July 2013. However the log book states date of first reg 5.10.12 and date of first reg in uk 18.7.13 also the receipt states date of first reg 18.7.13 It doesn't say in uk. I hope iv put this right and made sense.
  2. Iv forwarded the letter to the company and they have now entered Into conversations with the dealer. Iv done approx 20miles, iv not used it since sending the letter of rejection, he's replied saying hel do nothing apart from but the car back at a Loss. Oh another thing, iv gone through all the pictures advertising the car on his website and the damage to the door is there if you zoom in.... The damage he has put in writing that has been 100% done since delivery of the car! I'm not too sure what to do now since his reply? Thankyou
  3. Thankyou for your help... I have since sent a letter rejecting the car under the grounds of being mis sold etc Iv not gone into great depth or bumbled on, kept it factual and stated iv stopped using it in line with the rejection. Today, iv had an email back stating the car cannot be rejected as he has not mis sold the car and he's drafted a 200 word letter slagging off the company I used to collect the car. He then says I need to give him the mileage and he will purchase the car back at a loss!! If I copy and paste my letter and their reply would any of you have the time to look through it and advise? I'd be most grateful Thankyou
  4. The car was paid for via a bank transfer no finance. We didn't visit the seller, everything was done over the phone and emails Thankyou
  5. I purchased a car yesterday from quite a big dealer approx 100 miles away from myself. A company went and collected the car after negotiation over the phone and emails with the seller. Upon delivery last night I was quite happy with the car albeit a scratch on the driver inside leather and the anti chip protection that had been poorly fitted, however the car was sold and advertised as a 2013 62 first registered july 2013 to be precise the log book quite clearly shows that it was in fact first registered in 2012. The date of 2013 was when it was first bought into the uk. This in turn makes the car 6 months older that advertised and needing an mot sooner than told. I have emailed the company back and they have detailed an email saying how shoddy the company was I had asked to collect the vehicle , there were no scratches internally or externally as well as intimated that I have no idea what I am talking about and they are at a loss at to why I have contacted them back. They are a very well known company, the car was not a cheap car and I am extremely surprised by their response. Am I correct in saying that the car has been miss sold due to misleading/misguiding information and incorrect information being used to advertise? The car was first registered in 2012 but then registered in the uk in 2013 as it is an import... Any help and advise would be most appreciated thankyou In advance.
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