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  1. Believe me I am sooo frustrated. My final bill left me with a refund of over 500.00 which was refunded. Now this guy is using the credit amount against costs....sooooo not right.....taking it up with the ombudsman and consumer advice !
  2. Hiya and thanks for your reply. British Gas Business took the account in error and has taken 17 months to try and resolve. I have asked how he has calculated it and its very confusing indeed, even for me whos an accountant !!!
  3. Back billing - does anyone know how this works....the formula / calculation they use to try and get out of paying you correctly? I have a scenario I need help on if anyone can help x
  4. British Gas have not submitted me a bill for 17 months due to them saying my account moved elsewhere which it didnt and now its back with them. Under the back billing code of practise I believe they cannot charge me for anything over 12 months. Ok - my account was closed Feb 2014 but they still collected my direct debit payments until Dec 2014 when they decided to send me a final bill closing my account at Feb 14 and I was in credit so they refunded me my credit balance. So from March - July 14 they cannot charge me for the gas? July 14 - to date I agree is chargeable. Can anyone help me or tell me how they work out the back billing as the chap I am dealing at B Gas is only offering a credit of £ 2.50 for back billing when I have calculated the units to be over £200. I feel he is calculating this incorrectly to their advantage. Can anyone help - I have the Citizens Advice on the case and am now considering the Ombudsman Thanks
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