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Everything posted by Shekina123

  1. I have a file with a copy of the original agreement. IS that sufficient or do I still need to request the SAR? In your experience, do Brokers ever refund PPI? Sorry I have to ask. I am completely new to this.
  2. I should also have stated that the loan ran from the period March 2001 to March 2003 when it was repaid in full. I was never told that I had a choice about taking out the insurance.
  3. I took out a loan in 2001 from IGROUP loans. I spoke to them last week about reclaiming my PPI. I was (and still am) a Local Authority Officer at the time and would have received 6mths full pay and 6 months half pay if I became ill and could not work. I have just come across the papers for the loan. I made copious notes and there is no evidence of a discussion about what benefit my employer offered if I could not work. They have informed me that they cannot offer a refund because the PPI was sold by a broker - Headland Finance. What is the procedure if the PPI was sold by a broker? All my monthly instalments were paid to IG loans not to the broker? Is there anyone out there who can offer some advice? I do not believe that the PPI was necessary.
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