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  1. yep,included all the court fees & interest. Strange it was short. I'm gonna ring tomorrow & see if they've made a error in the letter. Worth a try!
  2. Good luck Jess - stick with it. Yes i'm fighting HSBC too. i filled my MCOL on 29th Dec & they entered a defence on 19th Jan. i got my offer from DG Solicitors today though so am pleased, its £8 short of the total but i think i'll take it! They only had a week until the AQ was due so do hang in there & you'll get your money in the end! Best of luck
  3. Thanks lateralus, will prob take it. Thanks for all your help through too. Much appriciated.
  4. Hello - dilema - they entered a defence & i have until 6th Feb until AQ is due in. Have kept regular contact with Julie at DG. HOWEVER got home tonight to an offer from DG (hooray) for £8 short of my full amount £985 (boo). What would you do? Accept or go for the total?!!
  5. Thanks. Will keep you posted. Dealine is Monday 22nd- will that be midnight? Good luck Pointsgirl - let me know what happens next for you.
  6. Looks good, so good infact would you mind if i used it as a template - i also had a silly offer from Colin which i rejected but didnt think to copy DG in.
  7. lateralus vbmenu_register("postmenu_446119", true); Platinum Account Customer Join Date: Jun 2006 Location: hull Posts: 975 Re: raxtyjaxter Vs. HSBC after the 28 days, if they haven't filed defense - you press for judgment and you win, but mostly they file at the last minute. then you receive a couple of days later, a change to your local court, a copy of their defense and an aq to fill in. look for the aq deadline and mark it on the calendar - your aq must be in by that date - i don't see the point in sending it any earlier than it is required as it costs 100 (if your claim is over 1500), so just keep it in mind and don't let the date pass. chances are very good that they will settle before the aq is due - nearly all have. Hi - just found this on another thread - i think this answers all my questions as my 28 days arent up yet, not no paperwork yet. I was probably a little hasty with faxing my breakdown to DG so maybe thats why i'e had conflicting voicemail messages. How do i check if they've entered a defence on MCOL please anyone????
  8. Hi Jessica, as far as i know you are intitled to all the interest as it is rightfully yours. They sound like they are trying to put you off. Stick with it, heck out some of the other messages too - they are all claiming charges & interest. Best of luck
  9. Hope all is going ok with your pointsgirl - am getting totally confused. DG left me another voicemail contracticting the 1st, now they are just "reviewing my case & can give me no timescale"!! No mention of payment at all. I havent recieved any paperwork either - when should i do this AQuestionnaire? is it downloadable? How do i check if they've entered a defence or not? Everytime i call DG i get someones voicemail. The Deadline for them to enter a defence is 22nd so am anxious that i may have missed the AQ. Plus i couldnt find a fax number for the court so havent sent the 3 breakdown copies! Am i jumping the gun, is this all the stuff i need to do once they enter a defence, or should i be doing it all now?
  10. Thanks. I have faxed my schedule of charges to DG but not the court yet - DG left me a voicemail message saying they are reviewing my claim & settlement offer is expect to arrive this week?! Am shocked and not holding my breath as they still have a week to enter a defence?! Also, thought i'd pass on that HSBCs Colin Langdale sent me a partial payment letter this week! I really dont think they know whats going on as i filed my MCOL 29th Dec! Bit slow of him.
  11. Thanks for your help. HSBC ticked the "intend to defend" box on the Response Pack. Should i fax off the breakdown to the court & DG now? (By breakdown, do you mean the Schedule of Charges?)
  12. Hi - HSBC entered a defence on 29th Dec, so i have to wait 28days - do i have to do anything within that time, fax any paperwork to DG or just sit it out?!
  13. Thanks so much! Will keep this updated with my progress, so good to feel that your not alone!! Much appriciated.
  14. Also - i've given my local branch address rahter than a head office somewhere - thats ok isnt it? Jenny Prelim sent to HSBC 09/11/2006 for £899.09 no response LBA sent 08/12/2006 no response MCOL filed 19/12/2006
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