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  1. Hiya again. Any ideas?? Getting worried now I've thought about it and read more Thanks Peter
  2. Hiya, noddle just giving default date and default red markers going back to when Vanquis allegedly passed debt to Cabot. It's as if Vanquis never existed and I accrued the debt with Cabot from last year. Default date is strangely year well after I stopped making payments?? Thanks
  3. SAR request ^^^^^ Ok have checked noddle. The default is coming under Cabot financial stating date of default 30th December 2011. Does the SAR go to Vanquis and not Cabot. Many thanks again. Peter
  4. Ok have checked noddle. The default is coming under Cabot financial stating date of default 30th December 2011.
  5. Cheers, aye Bon was the best front man. How do you do a SAR? Going to check noddle now. Will let you know shortly if details on it. Thanks again all. Peter
  6. I think so, that's what they have stated. Can't remember. Yes, was in Scotland. Thanks again
  7. Hiya, thanks for reply. It's a 1a form small claims summons. It's Cabot. In the statement of claim they say "on or around 15th June 2009 vanquis entered into a credit agreement with me. Consumer credit act 1974. They say the defender defaulted on this account but give no date. They say ientered a repayment plan and defaulted on this and state last payment made to the account was on 22nd October 2010. They then state that Vanquis assigned the debt to Cabot on 4th July 2014. Hope this helps Thank you again, Peter
  8. Evening all, I have come home from work to a summons from Walker love messengers at arms in relation to a debt from 2009 and default 2010 for vanquis. The amount is allegedly for £2400 yet the amount originally was roughly £1000. The summons is for Hamilton sheriff court. Return date 3rd September 2015 and hearing date 17th September 2015. States they applied for summons on 23rd July 2015. This debt went unpaid due to contested charges and interest then led to default, passed from one cca to another. Tried writing etc and calling to no avail and things went quiet for some time and seem to have cropped up more so recently. I don't have any other debt, ccjs or arrears. This has basically stemmed from a dispute 5 years ago that ihad forgotten about and to be honest ignored. Lost job and difficult circumstances and just thought bugger it. What steps should i take. Would it be possible for someone to give me step by step instructions as no idea how this works. I have no issue making a donation to site upkeep and can see that the support and information on here is vast. Kind Regards and any and all input greatly appreciated. Peter
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