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Everything posted by mounsey44

  1. I agree totally. Sadly its far from true. I have now had a reply from the HCEO's firm...who totally deny he was in the wrong! He was entitled to charge the fees, as he apparently listed goods..(he never moved from my front room sofa) He was nearly attacked by my husband twice (my husband is awaiting a liver transplant so I think not) I refused to pay him...etc....Absolute rubbish from start to finish. I have requested his body cam video twice...each time ignored. That will have the truth. How do I actually get this? Or more to the point can I get this? He has stole over £1400 from me. I am a carer for my disabled daughter..carers allowance is £61 a week....and my savings are gone..because of his lies.. Can anyone tell me what I do now...? I am so shocked that he can apparently do this and seemingly get away with it!!!
  2. Thank you to everyone here who has advised me. I have been given some excellent advice from someone here, who is kindly helping me draft some letters to the relevant people. Hopefully ******will never get the opportunity to do this again to anyone else. Unfortunately, my story is 100% true. What reason would I have to lie? I'm certainly not gaining anything, just seeking help/advice and hoping no one else gets 'caught' this way again. I will keep everyone posted. Thank You all again.
  3. This gets worse..I asked if I could pay this debt off in instalments.. I was told an outright no. This was not an option. Why on earth did this HCEO act like this? Callous, horrible man. It seems he had an amount in his head and was getting it no matter what
  4. Im pretty sure it was a franking machine mark. The HCEO didn't seem at all surprised when I said it had not come either. I was actually amazed that they put it in writing that all these charges happened on the same day. It's impossible from enforcement to sale in the space of that time scale....that was the amount he asked for as soon as he knocked..without knowing if I had it or not. It is obviously pre planned. Just wondering how they get away with it. As the lies are on paper too....amazing. My main concern now is trying to get it back..
  5. Sorry, the date of notice is the 6th July 15 The date/time to pay was 17.00 on the 19th July. I told HCEO it had not came. He said take it up with Royal Mail. The notice arrived the 21st July - 2nd class post
  6. I already have. This was the reply. How can they put in writing, fees for services that never happened? It amazes me! Surely as he visited on the 20th July, and it was settled in full on this date they would realise that it is impossible for the extra fees to have been incurred? Thank you for your email dated 24/07/15 in relation to a breakdown of the charges. Please see below for a breakdown of charges for your account: High Court Writ - £2468.88 Compliance Stage (Administration Fee): £90.00 inc VAT 1st Enforcement Stage : £228.00 inc VAT + if the debt is above £1,000, there is a 7.5% = £228.00 plus £133.18 2nd Enforcement Stage: £594.00 inc VAT = £594.00 Sale or Disposal Stage: £630.00 inc VAT = £630.00 there is a 7.5% fee of the amount above £1000> = £130.81
  7. Im not looking to take back the debt or the GENUINE enforcement costs through the bank...just the charges that were taken for services that never happened.. That amounts to £1,444.81 thats a lot of money to add to an already big debt. Not at any time did I agree to pay for things that never happened! He told me the charges were solicitors cost! Thats a lie...outright.
  8. Thanks everyone. If I approached my bank and asked for a chargeback, would they allow it given the amount? How would I explain to them what happened? Worried they might think I was trying to pull a fast one. God knows I'm not. But hard to believe I handed that amount over without seeing a breakdown of the costs. I could kick myself now. Amazing what you do when under duress.... Also, the debt amount differs on the CCJ and the notice of enforcement..plus 2 £90 compliance stage fees. ...its a complete mess.. ..not to mention the made up fees ....does that not count as fraud? Feel like crying. ..lost everything through a bully boy bailiff and his lies.. ...now begins the task of trying to get it back.....
  9. The notice of enforcement and the receipt. Will scan them in later if still not clear - sorry...they looked ok this end ? I had till the 19th July to pay..HCEO came on the 20th.
  10. The only genuine costs made were the compliance stage and enforcement stage. The rest he made up. no goods were removed or even listed for removal. I paid him on his FIRST and ONLY visit. I had no choice. Also the reason he got inside was because he told me I couldn't stop him. I asked him to wait outside, as I was getting my little girl ready for school. He said no. My daughter cant be left alone for more then 5/10 mins. She was upstairs. It was a catch 22. I couldn't close the door, he wouldn't move. ..my daughter was upstairs..I had to get her. He made a point of telling me his camera was running. My husband was there, and told him to get his foot out of the door ..thats when he said it was being filmed and he would call the police if he was threatened again.
  11. Hello, this is my first post here and I desperately need advice. I owed £2,357.13 after a CCJ judgement to a veterinary practice. My dog had his leg amputated. The vet gave me a choice. Euthanize my dog or amputate the leg. I wanted neither. Did not have £1700 to pay for this. Hence the debt. No excuses for not paying, but my 6 year old daughter has a life threatening condition called 'Rett Syndrome'. She had been in and out of hospital around the time all this happened and nothing else seems important except her. The letters were put to one side and simply forgotten about. On the 20th July at 8am, A bailiff called from 'Court Enforcement Services Ltd' saying I owed £4286.76. This was the first time I had seen him, or even heard this! £2,357.13 to £4286.76 As soon as the door opened, his foot went across the threshold to stop me closing it. I explained I was getting my 6 year disabled daughter ready for school, and could he come back. He said no. He also said had I not opened the door, he would have broke in with the locksmith who was waiting down the road. If I didn't pay now, he was calling vans and porters to take my things and this would cost me £250 plus the porters too. I had to pay or he was clearing my house, everything but my daughters wheelchair. As a HCEO he was entitled to come in and I couldn't stop him or so he said. He would not part with any paperwork until I had paid him. I told him I never had that kind of money, which I didnt. The most I could get was £1300. That would have to be taken from my daughters account with charity money raised. I showed him this, (not that he cared). Transferred it into my own account and gave this to him crying. I then rang my Dad, who loaned me the rest. Both were paid by debit card. The debt was piad in full. All the time he was there, he sat on my sofa watching me feed my daughter smirking and on Facebook. No warning of him coming, no letters, nothing just him turning up. Ironically the next day. The notice of enforcement came saying I had till the 19th July to pay £2558.88!! A DIFFERENCE OF £1727.88 OVERNIGHT - no explanation of what for - I asked and was told 'probably solicitors fees' After an email to the said company for a breakdown, I was sent this High Court Writ - £2468.88 Compliance Stage (Administration Fee): £90.00 inc VAT 1st Enforcement Stage : £228.00 inc VAT + if the debt is above £1,000, there is a 7.5% = £228.00 plus £133.18 2nd Enforcement Stage: £594.00 inc VAT = £594.00 Sale or Disposal Stage: £630.00 inc VAT = £630.00 there is a 7.5% fee of the amount above £1000> = £130.81 There are 2 compliance stage fees of £90 - one is added to the notice of enforcement, a second to the final bill. The CCJ judgement debt was £2357.13 yet on their notice of enforcement it says its £2468.88. I hope this makes sense, and apologise if it doesnt. Im still in a state of shock. Can anyone please advise me what I can now do. I am devastated that I have been fooled and lied too like this. Thank You. Incidentally - The HCEO is one from the TV programme 'Cant pay, we'll take it away'
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