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  1. Eos Solutions chased me for a YEAR, often with three demands with menaces a week over a debt I did not owe simply because I know I never buy items on accounts. Do not accept anything in these quasi official and threatening little missives. Write back and demand to see proof that you owe this money. Do not accept these letters at face value just because they look official. Threaten that without written proof - photo copies of you order, subscription to account, copy of your personal details and signature etc - you will go to the police. If worried about doing this yourself, contact your local council's trading standards office and get them to do it for you. Do not attempt to prive your innocence - their threatening letters are computer generated, and just keep coming regardless. Often the police will take you seriously and will be building a file on these people. Ditto Trading Standards, who exchange info. Also contact Trading Standards in the area the firm chasing you belongs. Write as fierce a letter as they have written you. Do not be conciliatory or cowed. Fight back!! Many people will pay this invented bill just to stop the worry and get the firm off your back. This does not work. Within a couple of years another slimey organisation connected to the original one will start the whole cycle again. I have had FOUR of these bottom feeders chase me. I have complained about them to the Financial Ombudsman, and had my complaint investigated. When this happened Eos offered me £100 compensation for pursuing me without cause. I refused this and have instructed the FO adjudicator to go for the jugular. The PO Office are nice people, they listen to you and try to help. Do not be frightened to approach them and your problem will be solved. Stay strong and fight!
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