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Everything posted by sarbranno14

  1. Hi, Thank you for the advice; i will follow this up- is there a particular form for the SAR i need and if so any idea where i can get this from? The other issue i have is who i send it to as the contact details for HFO etc are not in use. I cant recall if I contacted them but i do remember speaking to them quite a lot around the time of my maternity leave - not sure if this was before the DCA were involved (Sorry not much help) and yes; thankfully this was the only loan i ever had from Welcome. Thanks again for your help
  2. Hi, Thank you so much for the advice so far.. ... I had moved quite a lot during 2010- 2013. I had 4 addresses during this time The copy of the judgement that I have received has my current address on and would be within the correct dates of me living here! as i don't have a copy of the claim form- im not sure where that would have been sent. Would it be possible for the CCJ to be set aside given that I did not know about it? I had a regular payment plan with them but when i went on maternity leave i could no longer afford the re- payments, and i was looking to get them reduced At the same time my partners business ran into trouble- hence the reason for us frequently moving as we had to follow his work. The communication with Welcome/HFO was reasonably okay during this time Oct 2010) and i had set up a monthly payment of £10 which they would take via POS of my debit card and i thought no more about it... . then they called some months later to say they needed to review my payments but my situation was no better as i had not returned to work and even when i did it would be reduced hours and i informed them of this and i did the whole expenditure thing and they began asking for money that i could not afford... . the one guy stressed me out so much i was sobbing on the phone as he was arguing with me that i could afford more.. .. i could not get anywhere with them and to be honest they stopped pestering me by phone which was a relief. I did expect them to start sending letters etc. and that would have suited me fine if meant getting sorted and not talking to them... . but I never had any and to this day I still have not received a call or a letter from them. I am annoyed as i had tried to sort this whole thing out back then but they did make it so bloody difficult that i just gave up , i know that was the wrong thing to do but i had much more to worry about at the time. I'm just not sure where to go from here as i would never have left it to go to court, bot it now looks likely its going to affect my future plans of getting a mortgage! Any advice you can give me is much appreciated.
  3. Hi, Thanks for getting back to me.... I don't think so as i had been paying it off until my maternity leave which was in 2010. Do you happen to have any idea what i do about contacting the company now that they are no longer trading? From reports on the web which i have been reading all afternoon, they had their licence taken off them! Where does that leave me?
  4. Hi, This is my first post on here so hopefully i am posting in the right place! I obtained a copy of my credit file last week and noticed that a CCJ has been entered against me from November 2013 from Welcome finance (HFO capital Ltd) this debt relates to a very old debt dating back to approx 2004, which was a loan for £3,000. Some of this i have repaid and the outstanding amount is said to be £1,890.15. I was paying this off each month until i went on maternity leave and my financial circumstances changed. I had several discussions with various people from HFO and their solicitors Turnball and Rutherford, however after these discussions nothing came of anything and to be honest they were the last thing on my mind once i had a new baby in the house. I had never recieved any letters from them and certainly nothing to do with court proceedings/CCJ's being issued etc. I contacted the court and requested a copy of the judgement and claim form.. . the court has sent me the copy of the judgement however they have written to tell me they do not have a copy of the claim form and that this may be with the claimants solicitors Turnbull and Rutherford. The courts passed on their contact details to me and i have tried contacting them and HFO but the number is no longer in use and according to the internet neither are no longer trading???? I am at a loss as to what i do as i have no way of even contacting the company about the so called CCJ they were meant to have sent me. I feel totally sick as the reason i got a copy of my credit file is because i am looking to get a mortgage and something was flagged up.. ... Everything now is such a mess and my future plans are looking very dismal! The annoying thing with it all is i was always happy to pay it off and i don't feel like i have had a chance to sort the problem out as i had no idea the CCJ had been placed on record. Is there anything i can do? Any advice would be greatly appreciated..
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