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Everything posted by deepforest

  1. He's not saying that, Estellyn. He's saying because in his own head he feels he's such a great graphic designer that he shouldn't have to subject himself to min wage jobs. But it would seem the paying public have disagreed. So he'd rather stay on the dole living in a fantasy world, than facing the reality he just wasn't good enough, and found some other career to make money from. That sort of self denial could last a life-time, yet you feel it's wrong to try and prick the bubble? Meanwhile people are going to ATOS talking about "anxiety" and aren't being believed....
  2. I know! I'm tempted to do that. But wouldn't that technically be considered benefit fraud? There doesn't seem to be any fair correlation of money paid in to the system and monies taken out. I could have 2 then 3, then 4, then 5 kids all the while sitting on my fat ass claiming ESA because obesity is now a disability, etc. But, I'd rather just go to work even if it's min wage for my own personal self respect. Thanks for the advice Trebormoinet, and you are sadly correct that I'll probably lose money in the first month even taking this job, but I have to do it for my own sense of self worth. It still disgusts me that I've actually finally managed to find a job and JCP offers me NO help at all. What point? Why do they even exist except to punish! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
  3. Thanks numbers666 - I hadn't thought of a season ticket actually. I'll look into it. I've got an Oyster card (with about 3 negative balance lol) but figured that would still be the cheapest daily option - I might get sacked on the first day! I haven't worked in nearly 2 years so confidence is a bit of an issue for me. Hand on my heart, for what it's worth, everything I've said is 100% the facts as it stands. But I don't think the local press would give a toss - I'm a "healthy" "white" "single man" - no reason not to be working. Having read some of the horror stories on here, I'm the last person deserving of sympathy or crowdfunding. I mean that too. So many people seem to have it so much worse than me. BUT that still doesn't stop me getting damn annoyed at the stooopid JCP that have been on my back these past 18 months trying to find work, offering no help and only fear that I might get my 5 groats sanctioned if I wasn't suitably subservient. Yet the moment I actually get a job (no thanks to them), and sign on today asking for help to get to it, suddenly all I got was silence from across the desk! Thanks so much for offering funds to help me, but I'll be alright. I'll jog to the damn job if I have to! Please give your money to someone fighting an unfair sanction - at least (touch wood) I'm out of their bastad sausage grinder for a bit!
  4. Thanks for your answer, I'm not sure you'd really be comfortable getting into a philosophical debate about the EU and free movement of labour, and as you seem to have the power (rather like the JCP to delete, edit or close anything that displeases you) I'll just make the point that if you allow potentially - not sure of actual size of EU demographic) nearly 300 million skilled and semi-skilled (mostly) young adults with no families entrance into the UK job market then there's always going to be trouble! It's a supply and demand economy anywhere in the world. If you buy a £20 Easyjet ticket from Eastern Europe with no dependents, willing to live in a flat designed for 3 with 9 people, willing to work very hard for low pay, then can't you see how this will inevitably lead to problems for the indigenous young population who were brought up to believe that they could "achieve celebrity and riches" and aren't prepared to clean toilets because they feel it's "beneath them". I don't blame the Eastern Europeans for doing what's allowed. I don't blame the indigenous youth for being sold a lie through years of Labour education telling them they were little stars - (hence now why Special Needs have suddenly gone through the roof in the last 10 years despite diagnostic clinical criteria not really getting any more sophisticated). I could go on... But as I say, you probably don't really want to have this debate. x
  5. It's looking like my only option to be honest. I guess I'll just have to do two days super hard graft to show I'm a good 'un, then hit them with the request to borrow a third of my wages "on tick" till the end of the month. Doesn't look good, but hell I've got no other choice. Okay, thanks for responding.
  6. thanks but this is my whole point - I'm not on speaking terms with my family. My friends are in the same boat as me financially, and my credit rating is so bad after a DRO back in 2013 that I'm only allowed a child's bank account. I guess it's just one of those things then. No help because no answer - surely this is one of those times where the job centre should actually REALLY help rather than look to punish? Oh well, looks like I'll just have to stay on the dole and become a professional moaner! thanks to all who tried to help.
  7. thanks honeybee, sorry. I read back what I just wrote and can understand how it might come off as a bit judgmental - that wasn't my intention. I was just excited at finding a job and now really ffing irritated that I can't afford to get to it! Meanwhile so many posts on this forum seem to be from certain very intelligent people, who are clearly in receipt of benefit and not rich or retired yet, getting very judgmental about any government help that's offered! I don't get that! People like that "could" belittle themselves to do a min wage job but clearly choose not to! Anyway, sorry, I'm just feeling really angry and frustrated today - if anyone's got any advice to my question posted I'd really appreciate it. thanks.
  8. I haven't done the work programme, lucky I was just under the time on the dole to be referred. It sounds terrible! Isn't it a real incentive to actually get a job though if it's that bad? I mean, spending 30+ fighting the system and complaining with legislative examples to frustrate their every move - that sounds like a full-time job in itself! I'm confused about how if you are smart enough to play the system and know your rights in law so well, why you don't just get a min wage job like me, despite having about 10 letters after my name through study, and at least spend 30+ hours a week getting paid? £72 JSA doesn't go that far, and at least you get the real satisfaction of being in work. What am I missing here? I've met people who are so unemployable they can't even shake your hand. Some of you with your writing skills seem to be "professionally unemployed"! In the same way a lot of people on the internet these days seem to be "professionally offended" etc. What's the deal?
  9. thanks for the answers guys, but unfortunately none are any good. In answer to the posts - 1. The job is minimum wage and although I'm grateful for it, there's thousands of people who could do it as well as me - it's not very cool to turn up on the first day as an unknown quantity and immediately ask for a loan. 2. I asked to speak to a manager - they said the same thing - no help available as I haven't been unemployed long enough to be subjected to their work house programme. So no travel fares for me. 3. I agree it is a silly situation. My MP is a Tory, even if I contacted them on Monday, the chance of getting a resolution before I needed my train fare the next week...? MP's are on their summer jollies anyway right now aren't they? I appreciate you are all trying to help. But there must be thousands of people in my situation right now - what do they do? thanks.
  10. Hey, I'm hoping I can get some advice here for my problem. I finally got a job this week after a few years grabbing my ankles for Mr David Cameron at the Sanction Centre! It starts on Monday, and I've got exactly £9.30 in my bank till my final JSA comes through on Wednesday. The job is monthly salaried. My train fare will be £12 a day 6 days a week, (maybe actually a bit less on the Saturday as that'll be Off-Peak travel) but e'en so, even if find a way to borrow Monday and Tuesday's fare, then I can't afford to pay that for the next 5 weeks until I first get paid! I signed on today and asked my "adviser", (ha! I love that word - the only advice he's actually given me over the years is about the best way to kill myself and get off his beloved system! Sorry if I sound bitter, but looking around some of these threads I know I'm not alone on this), my adviser told me that I MUST sign off the day I start work or I'll get in trouble, and there was NO run on or help available for the intervening 4+ weeks till I get paid! Great! I've finally got a job, got off their books, the first time I actually ask for REAL help from him - NO, nothing we can do. I told him that I might actually have to turn down the job as I'm not blessed with rich friends or family who can loan me the train fare that long, nor do I have access to credit as it's shot to **** after years on the dole! They don't make it easy for someone who's actually trying do they!!! Anyone got any judgment-free advice on how I can afford to go to work rather than stay on benefits. Thanks.
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