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  1. Thanks, I've put a call in and am due to go round later on to dicsuss this all I am right in thinking that the boundary that dictates where double yellow line restricitons stop doesnt need to be a physical thing, it can literally refer to the ownership line?
  2. They're quite a large funeral directors and have been there for years, with 2 entrances (hence why i can park in the one i'm in). The whole of their yard is tarmacked. The bit I park on is the same stuff that covers the of the yard, as you can physically see it going under the gates. So getting the official deeds in the route to go down?
  3. Hi guys, after some advise on a PCN I got about 6 weeks ago, and have finally received the rejection of my unofficial appeal today. PCN is issued by Lincolnshire county council, code 01 - parking in a restricted street during prescribed hours [ATTACH=CONFIG]58643[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]58644[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]58645[/ATTACH] Attached are the pictures of my car parked in the exact spot that i got the ticket (same day and I didnt move it) Basically, our house is to the right out of shot in the picure and we dont have a driveway. The road directly outside our house has 2 hour parking restrictions, so we cant park there. We have an agreement with the family run funeral directors (premises shown behind the black gates to the left) that we can park in their unused permanently gated entrance. This has been the case since we moved in 3 years ago, and I havent ever got a ticket, until 6 weeks ago. I challenged the ticket immediately on the grounds that I was parked on private property with the property owner's permission. Received a letter rejecting my appeal, but if I provided a statement from the landowner saying I had permission, then they would reconsider. I'm fully aware that double yellow restrictions are valid from the centre of the street to the road edge, across any pavement or verge on public property up to the boundary. The crux of the argument I can see is what is classed as the boundary, and where does that lie? I'm of the opinion, and so is the funeral director that their lander ownership is a straight line across the mouth of the gate, from where the wooden fence stops, and then the metal fence starts. All the land behind both fences are owned by them. Surely this is classed as the boundary and therefore the double yellow line restriction stop there? Any advice on what to next would be greatly apprecialted
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