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Everything posted by f4tct

  1. so in essence, they have no right issuing the ticket in the first place? Dan
  2. Hi, thanks for the reply. It was morrisons hartlepool. I was infact parked in a blue badge bay however my blue badge sadly was out of date - my fault i know. It has since been replaced. The time on the actual PCN states 10 minutes. I put in a response via email to euro car parks earlier as per the template letter. The maximum time for the car park is 3 hours, although I wasn't even an hour in the place. 40 mins at the very most. Whats interesting though is that the fat little chappy who takes delight in slapping these pcn's on your car has a habbit of placing his handheld machine on the car while he sticks the pcn to the window etc. - i have video evidence of this. - that's vandalism in my opinion. Dan
  3. Hi All, I received a PCN from euro car parks dated the 23/3/15. I ignored this as I was told this was the correct thing to do. Since, I have received correspondence from control account plc namely the last two were dated 29th May and 15th June respectively. The latter - "act now this wont go away" claims the legal department is now assessing my file with a view to commencing litigation blah blah blah... I was given 14 days to respond but I still haven't done so - mostly through ignorance and workload. I've read that control account plc can't really do much as its upto euro car parks to commence litigation and nor are they debt collectors... - am i right to still ignore this? I only today have had a missed call and a voicemail from control account to my mobile saying call us to pay etc.. (how have they even got my mobile number) The parking event was in a morrisons car park in england. Dan
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