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Everything posted by m4rky8oy

  1. I've just had an unexpected call from Anglian Water saying that they will now accept my offer to clear the bill! Does this mean that I'm in the clear or can Marstons still chase me for fees? Thanks
  2. I don't have possessions that amount to £2700 so if they got an attachment of earnings would it be for £1700 or £2700?
  3. Most of the letters are the same thing really. They say that someone will be coming out to remove goods etc... I had a notice of enforcement dated 19 March 2015. I also had one hand delivered that said Balance including Enforcement stage 2 fee £2732.57p
  4. Why wouldn't Anglian water just accept my offer to pay off the debt? It just seems a little crazy. I didn't know whether it would be a good idea to talk to Marstons. I guess I should start there then and see what they say. But I'm worried all they will be interested in is getting their fees?
  5. No I didn't defend the CCJ. I let things get to me if I'm honest and buried my head in the sand Could you explain to me what an I+E is please? Thanks
  6. Hi thanks for your reply. I'm not entirely sure what you mean? If you mean do they I have a ccj for it then yes
  7. Hi this is my first post and I'm in some need of advice please. I owe Anglian Water around £1700 and they have passed the debt onto Marstons, who ill be honest, we have ignored! As you can imagine they have added their fees and now the bill is for £2753! They have obtained a high court writ against us that is dated 8/1/2015. They have called at our property several times but fortunately we haven't been at home. The last letter we received from them said that as the judgement remains unsatisfied, further enforcement will no doubt be taken against us, and this may take the form of a garnishee order against our accounts, a charging order against any equity in any property , an attachment of earnings order if you are employed or in certain circumstances, bankruptcy. The thing is I can get hold of enough money to pay Anglian water the original £1700 but I can't afford to pay the £2700 that Marstons want! I rang Anglian water and offered to pay what I owe, but after the girl spoke to the debt recovery team, I was advised that any payments should be made to Marstons, as they are handling the account. I told them that my partner is pregnant and that we can't afford to pay what Marstons want and that we would just like to clear our account with yourselves today to get it over and done with as the stress is really starting to affect my partner who is 6 months pregnant. And again they said we had to deal with Marstons Could somebody please advise me on what to do next? If I could have paid it sooner I would have done, but I already have attachments on my earnings and really can't afford anymore. I was unemployed for quite a while and got into lots of trouble financially. I have managed to sort all of them except this one. Thanks in advance
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