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barney rubble III

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Everything posted by barney rubble III

  1. Thank you for your reply, it is kind of what I had been thinking. Kind regards BR3
  2. I wonder if anyone could give me some guidance......... A relative has been involved in an accident while using the vehicle for 'social, domestic or pleasure'. Following the accident they have studied the policy and noticed that it did not cover business use which the last policy did as they use the car for minor diy jobs. Having used the car for business during the current policy, but was using it for pleasure on the day of the accident, is the policy void? If the insurance company was told the vehicle was used for business previously are they likely to void the policy? Having read various websites, it looks like they have unwittingly committed insurance fraud. Where does leave them? Any help would be gratefully received as my elderly relative is going crazy with guilt and wants to tell the insurance company that the car was used for business during the year even though not on the day of the accident. Thank you
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