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  1. Thanks again for your help, your advice did the trick and they've emailed back to say that the parking charge notice has been cancelled (without going to POPLA). My wife is very happy, and great to have it resolved It took a couple of emails, over a couple of weeks, as they wouldn't deal with me without my wife's written permission, and also probed into who was driving the car. But all good, thanks again!
  2. Thanks again for the advice above - so the wife has now received a letter on Friday 29th May (sent 21st May) from the firm saying "Parking Charge Notice: £100" and "failure to pay the parking charge or provide the name/address of the driver within 28 days could lead to the keeper becoming liable and legal proceedings being issues". The letter has a picture of the front and side of the car. Would your advice be to continue to ignore the correspondence? or should we appeal? I suspect the photo was taken within minutes of her leaving the car in the visitor space (the time is printed on the photos), would that have any bearing? The lady she was visiting wasn't aware she needed a permit to use the visitors space, but I'll check with the wife but it might have been she wouldn't even have had time to go up to the flat and come back? Thanks again in advance, David
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