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  1. i have had a Barclaycard for around 10 years and managed to run up big debts on it (aprox £12k). I ran into trouble after a period of being jobless and Barclaycard closed my account and agreed that they would freeze all interest on the account if i made regular repayments of £50.00 a month , at the time this seemed like a good deal overall as i wouldn't be getting charged interest and did genuinely want to clear the debt. I have just realised... (been sent a default notice by Asset Link Capital). . that payments for the last 3 months haven't left my account to Barclaycard. . am now paying £54.00 a month. . genuine oversight on my part don't often scrutinise my account. Asset Link Capital have told me by letter that i need to clear the payments they haven't received, which amounts to £162.00. Not having this amount of money to hand i rang Asset link Capital and asked them if i could just simply start up the repayment agreement with them to which they replied no, i will need to settle the late payments or am in breach of my agreed payment plan. when i asked what action they will take i was told they will apply a default to my credit record and "MAY" apply to the court to get full payment from me... currently £8000 ish... I guess my question is, why did i not receive notification from barclaycard that they were passing my debt on? they should have told me right? also... in layman terms what do their threats actually mean? Sorry for the long post Thanks in advance for any advice
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