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Everything posted by Humphh

  1. Ahh! Now I get it! So any idea how I do I proceed in order to get the law changed?
  2. Well, in my experience you could have (and should have) refused to give your details - it would have taken longer to get your money back, along with extra humiliation being made to feel like an awkward customer etc. They generally have to get the store manager to override the system as the till staff get really flustered when confronted by a thinking being and not a robot who obeys! They use the fact that you want your money back as leverage to get your details - a form of blackmail really and I am going to try to get this changed. Try it next time - because there will be a next time. What store was it by the way?
  3. Yes - I know that the rape and refunds differ - I wasn't suggesting otherwise! All I am saying is that I am happy to give my address to take them to court if it means a step forward towards getting them to stop this practice. They haven't 'won' because they have my address, they are hopefully on the road to losing. So when I send them a LBA as you suggest, I have gone past the point of actually wanting my money back - I am now fighting the principle of the matter..I don't want to settle out of court - 50p for a pack of crisps! I want to get the law amended so they stop it. I won't make any analogies because that seems to confuse things but surely I am still entitled to challenge what they are doing despite them offering to rectify it afterwards? After all, they will still continue to do it to everybody else - and me in future.
  4. To the court yes - but not to the person/company I am taking action against -= surely!? That would leave me open to intimidation etc Anyway, I wouldn't mind giving my address to them to take them to court - I don't see that as letting them win because I am providing my details for a different reason - not for my refund.. and if that is just a part of the process of making them account for their actions for the common good then so be it. It is the principle of the matter I want to fight against - their arrogant expectation that they are ENTITLED to my details for a trivial refund of faulty goods that is their fault in the first place! Constantly making me feel like an awkward customer when it is they who are being the awkward retailer - and they must be breaking the law by telling us that without our details we don't get our cash back because its not true! What do you think?
  5. I don't see why it wouldn't get to court. As far as I can see, retailers are abusing the rights of consumers on a massive scale on a daily basis and it needs addressing. Also don't see why they should know where I live in order for me to take them to court..why? Surely that is half the point of court - a legal interface between you both? They don't give the victim's address to the rapist or the person suing etc! same applies to less severe cases surely?
  6. Thanks for the reply-informative. If I switch it around and ask them to show me where in the sale of goods act it says that I have to - that should win the argument - because it makes no mention of customers' personal details and that act is their bible isn't it? Anyway, I haven't lost an argument for years now and it usually ends up with the manager overriding whatever the till and cashier are trying to insisting upon. I wish I knew how to start some kind of public awareness campaign because surely they are breaking the law by insisting? I am no lawyer but it feels very wrong to me and I find the fact that everybody in the world except me gives their info to be worrying...its like no one cares about their rights any more or perhaps they 'don't want a fuss' on the shop floor. Perhaps going to court is the answer.
  7. I have resurrected the thread as you say, for two reasons: 1. It is still relevant and the important points were missed 2. I didn't realise it was a 6 year old thread. Anyway, the CAB told me that my receipt was my contract with the shop - I presumed they were telling the truth, and the reason it contravenes the 1974 sale of goods act is because it does not state anywhere in that act that your personal details are required before you are eligible for a refund on faulty goods. Are you seriously saying that you think this is ok?
  8. This is a rant - its absolutely outrageous! How dare they use the fact that cash is going the other way as leverage - blackmail - into getting you to divulge our personal info. They are NOT entitled - any more than I am to know their name, address, phone number, post code when I bought the item in the first place. Its absolute rubbish that they say it is to prevent staff fraud because they don't ask for ID, and a fraudster could simply give false details. And anyway, its not our obligation to help them sort out their staff! Ohhh I'm so angry! And no - I refuse to give false details to pander to them - why should I lie!? I have done nothing wrong! It took me nearly an hour to get a refund from B+M store for a bag of crisps that was out of date and soggy the other day. And also, the shop Screwfix want you details when you buy anything! What the hell is going on!? It contravenes the sale of goods act - your receipt is your contract with the shop - and I have been told on many occasions that I am the only one who has ever refused! Come on people!
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