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Everything posted by Makaveli84

  1. Also it has the issuing officer name and badge number. That's why i thought i can go and see if i could give it to him and just enquire.
  2. It's legit, the Derbyshire constabulary force head quarters is in ripley. And I'm 5 minutes drive from it. Handy i suppose .
  3. Thank you for your input, really appreciate it. I might hand deliver the form back as the return address is in the next village.
  4. I'm sending the S172 off regardless, don't want to make the situation any worse. Wouldn't they have to provide video evidence, either from a dash cam etc, or else anybody could report anyone and say they damaged their car. Sorry if my questions sound abrupt but I'm just trying to understand how it works. Thanks
  5. Thanks for your reply, the thing is she's not sure if she did knock a mirror or not. If there is no requirement to serve a NIP, why have they sent one? Also when you say they will pass the details on to the person requiring it, do you mean the owner of the other vehicle? Thanks.
  6. Hi All, I'm after some advice before I fill in and return the section 172 "request for driver name and address". I'm the registered keeper of the vehicle but my wife drives the car. The alleged offence(s) were committed on 10/07/2019, the NIP is dated 31/07/2019. Post mark on the envelope is dated 01/08/2019 and I received it on 02/08/2019. The offence(s) they say were committed are the follwing : 1- Driving without due care and attention 2- Failing to stop at the scene of a collision 3- Failing to report a collision Now you can imagine our shock when we received this as none of have been in any collision. My wife says that she might have clipped a wing mirror of a van that was parked up, the road where this happens is very narrow and busy and cars are alway parked up either side so is a squeeze at best of times. My question is, "Have they sent the NIP within the correct time frame, which I don't beleive they have?" and also if she did clip the wing mirror and was genuinley unaware of it, can they take the word of the person who reported it and can we contest this as she was genuinely unaware. What is our stance on this. We're trying to find out exactly what happened, but getting in touch with he issuing constabulary is proving to be difficult as can only leave messages. She's on maternity leave from work with a 2 month old and 2 year old in the car with her, so it's not as if she has been driving around like a lunatic. All your input is greatly appreciated, she is panicking like mad thinking she will lose her license or worse end of in prison. Thanks all
  7. Yeah I will just ask for proof of posting. I don't want to spend money on anything to do with them. Thanks bazooka boo
  8. Thank you Slick132. I'll get this posted via recorded delivery asap and will update you once I hear from them. Thanks again for your help
  9. Hi slick132, Unfortunately i dont have the copy of the letter i sent, it was template that they provided in an email that i received when i first joined. all i had to do was fill in the blank spaces like my membership number, address etc. It was already written out. below is what i sent i just hand wrote them in and put it in the mail box rather than going to the post office which i realise is a mistake, but didnt imagine any of this to happen. I/We [*] hereby give notice that I/We [*] cancel my/our [*] agreement for the supply of the service administered by Harlands Services Ltd. Reference number (Can be found on email confirmation): W__________________________ Signup date: __________________________ Name of consumer(s): _______________________________________________ Address of consumer(s): __________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of consumer(s) (only if this form is notified on paper): ____________________ Date: _____________________________________ Thanks
  10. I realised i shouldnt have called them, i was fuming when i got off the phone. starting to feel a bit better now reading all the responses
  11. I wish i could send that, i really had to hold my nerve when i was on the phone to that guy from CRS
  12. Hi bazooka boo, I knew as soon as i stopped going that im going to continue paying so that this wouldn't happen but they seem to have slipped over £100 worth of fees in there some how. Im looking forward to hearing what slick will advise. Thank you for replying to my thread
  13. Thanks for your advice fkofilee, im hoping i have done enough, it makes me sick how they think they can get away with it, sending threatening letters. I hope i can sort this out soon. I wish i could charge them for all the aggravation they've caused or just to apologise and say that they messed up.
  14. Hi Honeybee Thank you for letting me know, im looking forward to hearing from the experts. Regards
  15. Hi everyone, I'm new to CAG and have been reading through some of the posts of people who are facing the same dilemma as me. I'm not sure if I should have started a new thread or not. My situation is as follows. I joined xercise4less in January 2014 (Big mistake), I went a handful of times and stopped going but as I was in a contract I kept the payments up so that I wouldn't be in any breach of contract. According to the email i got "Congratulations on joining Xercise Health & Fitness Club. You are committing to a single £0.00 admin fee payment and £9.99 per month for a minimum of 11 months. You have chosen to pay by monthly Direct Debit and we can confirm that the Direct Debit details provided by you are correct. In December 2014 i sent a cancellation letter in through post as i couldn't hand deliver it at the time (stupidly i didn't make a copy as i hand wrote it nor did i ask for proof of posting as i put it in a mailbox). I left the direct debit active and allowed a payment of £9.99 to be taken on 05/01/2015 as the last payment so all together they have taken 12 payments of £9.99 which to me is the minimum of 11 months and also an extra month for the cancellation period, then i cancelled the direct debit. Within 2 weeks of cancelling the direct debit i received a letter from hardlands saying that the direct debit has been cancelled and there's an outstanding amount of £9.99, i called the club up who referred me to harlands who said that no cancellation was received and therefore the amount is owed. To cut a long story short they then sent another letter with a £25.00 admin fee and when i queried this i was past back and forth from them to the club. I didn't hear anything from anyone for a while then last month i got a letter from CRS credit solutions services saying i owe £171.47 and to call them, unwittingly i called them up and explained the situation, the man said the lowest amount we are willing to accept is £76.49 to settle the debt and close the account down, i said i wasn't willing to pay anything he said and i quote "then we recommend you seek legal advice". Today i have received another letter saying " we would still like to reach an amicable resolution to this, however if you fail to respond to this letter, we will have no option but to commence further action to recover the monies owed. The options available to us are: 1- Legal action (in this they mention County court) 2-Outsource to external agents. I called to discuss it which i now realise was a mistake, i got the same guy as last time who said we've already wasted enough time on this account and the lower amount offer expires tomorrow 29/05/2015, do you want to make that payment now or not, when i said no he said ok we'll prepare your file for action and ended the call. I'm really sorry for the long winded post but i'm starting to panic over this. Any help or suggestions would be really appreciated. Regards.
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