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  1. The point I'm trying to get to is that if they have been calling me regularly, why can't they just confirm my address? This way, I would've received the letter and able to defend myself. No, the property is not sold. Yes, I am confused as I was called to be advised that as charge is placed, then now realised I have a CCJ. This is the main reason I posted in this thread. As a result, the new employers have withdrew their offer of employment. My current one cannot offer my old job back. So I am facing unemployment. May I ask what you do for a living?
  2. 1.you were paying less than the required PCM? so they were within their rights to issue a claim. *** even though they agreed with the payments? They called me every month asking how much I can pay. 2.they didn't know you hew address? so they quite legally served it to your old one. *** as above, they have my number. They could have contacted me - which they did AFTER the charge has been done 3.its upto you to inform your creditors in writing that you have moved. ** as above, they have my mobile number 4.if either of the above apply I cant see any point in a set aside and can see no viable defence even if you do. and anyway by the time you've argues all this the CCJ would have vanished [+6yrs its removed] ** I agree, but my point is why do that when they know I have been making payments and I have also contacted them as soon as an offer of permanent employment has been placed. They placed the charge less than a month before I started my new job 5.as for the charging order, which property cant be the old one, you've moved? *** the same property the mortgage was on. But letter was sent to another address as I was moving around where i can get contract jobs
  3. That's the issue, I haven't stopped paying. I paid in part when I wasn't in a full time employment and I have called them to advise of this. They actually called me every month when the mortgage is due to confirm whether I can start paying the monhtly amount in full. The moment I found a permanent, full time position I advised them. This would have been in late Nov or sometime in Dec 2009. CCJ was dated 16 Dec 2009 and I started work 11 Jan 2010. I assume they sent the letter to the old address but they are aware i wasn't living there (regular monthly phone calls). I do recall them calling me directly and advising me they have placed a Charge on the unsecured part to secure it but no indication of a CCJ.
  4. I was wondering why they have to place a CCJ on the unsecured part, especially when I advised them as soon as I found another permanent job.
  5. Hi all Just found this thread as I was searching for advise with regard to my Together mortgage. I currently have one with an unsecured part at £30k. I am up-to-date with my payments although there was a period when I lost my job and was only paying part of my monthly payments. I eventually found a permanent job and have been on it for 5 and half years. Now I have been offered a position with another company but was retracted last week on the grounds that they performed a credit check and found a CCJ against my name which is lodged by NRAM in Dec 2009 - less than a month before I started my current job (Jan 2010). I would have informed them of the new job then the same way I informed them when I lost the previous one, and have made overpayments to my mortgage payments to get back on track and I am now up-to-date without any arrears. I have now lost this offer of a job because of this CCJ and although the unsecured part is gong down, NRAM refused to clear this in my record, nor sent a letter to clear with my supposedly new employers. I am unable to get back by old job so it looks like i'm going to be unemployed unless i find another job sometime soon. Is there a case for suing NRAM because of this? Does anyone know of a similar case or maybe refer me to a solicitor that can help me with this issue? I also look forward to hearing what outcome will be with regard to the CCA issues as I am in the same boat as everyoen on here.
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