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  1. Ok, pleasing update on this today. Received a letter this morning (two weeks after being stopped) allowing me to settle for an 80 pound admin fee. As you can probably tell from my previous posts, this is a very satisfactory outcome and I was on the phone with credit card in hand immediately. Thank you to the couple of members who took the time to answer queries and reassure me. It is much appreciated, as was a lot of the information in other topics which although no longer required did a lot to relax me at a stressful moment. Before you ask, I will be donating to the site before disappearing in to the ether. Please feel free to lock this topic.
  2. Sorry, missed that question. I got off train in a bit of a day dream having completely forgotten about anything ticket related and walked towards nearest exit towards my workplace. I was asked, were you leaving station without attempting to pay. To which clearly the only answer was yes. I don't recall being asked for a reason or explanation. I get quite nervous when confronted by any authority figure, regardless of what I am doing. So I fear I did not explain anything very well. I assumed I was being fined, which didn't seem unreasonable. I just meekly accepted the basic facts, I'd been on train, had no ticket and had been walking off when stopped. I'm fairly resigned to having the book flung at me over a £2.70 fare. Just want to make sure I don't make things any worse than they are.
  3. Many apologies, have just realised that train was probably FGW rather than South West. If anyone is able to amend my original title that would be great. BazzaS - Agree with your comments re inconsistencies and ignorance of average traveller (me!). I think I've drifted in to the mistaken belief that confusion or error on my behalf would result in a fine, not a criminal record. Making me considerably more casual than ideal.
  4. Absolutely, you're entirely correct. Is no excuse, just the reason for my (flawed) actions. My home station has no barriers, no machines and an office that closes often. So the idea of getting on a train with no ticket is not uncommon. Although I wouldn't say as much in a letter
  5. Good evening, thank you for taking the time to read this. Any advice would be very gratefully received! In what is probably a familiar story for the regulars on this forum, I have come seeking advice having been stopped without a train ticket. I was interviewed under caution and having spent the day reading the internet in a panic am now expecting a summons in the next few weeks. I hope I've understood the usual process, but would be grateful for confirmation. To provide a little detail, I had been to the dentist in the next town over and dropped by car, but needed to get back to the office. A train arrived whilst i was queueing to buy a ticket so I got on. This is not uncommon in this area where buying a ticket on the train is often required, and trains are infrequent by London standards. I enquired of a conveniently placed member of transport police if this train was going the right way and sat opposite another (you'd think that might have nudged me out of my stupor) I didn't attempt to find the guard. Jumped off train 4 mins later and with no further thought headed towards my office. At which point I was promptly stopped & read my rights by another chap by the exit (no barriers here). Assuming I was about to be fined on the spot, I was polite and accepted that I had no ticket etc. I didn't attempt to run, talk my way out of it, or offer to buy a ticket. Instead he interviewed me under caution (PACE I assume) and sent me on my way. I now see that my existing understanding of how ticketing processes work in practice, is somewhat different from the legal situation. Today i was (very) stupid rather than malicious, but that is no defence and if this reaches court I would inevitably have to plead guilty. I am saving for a house, so even a 1000 pound fine would not be a complete disaster as I could pay it from savings. As ever, the criminal record is the big problem for future employment & mortgage. Would you suggest that i 1 - do nothing now except await the inevitable letter 2 - but then be ready to immediately send a grovelling letter and offer to settle out of court should I receive a summons Many thanks in advance for any advice (sympathy neither required nor expected), will happily provide any other useful details if required. Cost of journey was practically nothing & I have no previous record or penalty fares, speeding tickets etc.
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