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  1. Thanks for this. When I mentioned it to the garage they said that their finance had been removed and they need to get the flag cleared for the PCP finance which is outstanding with Volkswagen. Could it be that they have taken a car as part-ex that had outstanding finance, settled the finance and then the HPI marker hasn't been removed?
  2. Hi all, My girlfriend has today purchased a car and completed an HPI check after paying the full amount (yes I know not great...) the HPI check shows that there is outstanding PCP finance from when the car was originally built. I spoke to the garage (Lookers Used Cars in Bristol) and they have assured me that they will get this removed and that the HPI check will be clear. They also mentioned that they "put" 3 months of finance on to the car when it is purchased and this has been removed. Can someone just confirm if this is correct? How could a garage end up with a car in 2015 when the HPI check shows the finance is outstanding from 2012? I would expect them to have access to Experian or something silimar so that they can run checks on when purchasing the car from the individual? Also, the V5 (and HPI) checks show 0 previous owners and it still has the ladys name and address who would have brought the car in originally. Is this correct? Thanks, yokkers.
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