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Everything posted by sandra333

  1. Than you all for the response. I received a letter from N&P today saying sorry you feel we've let you down we are doing a thorough investigation. We are usually quick on solving problems but, it may take up to 28 days to complete. Thank you for allowing us to investigate your complaint. I will await the response and go from there.
  2. Than you for the response very helpful will pester them if I get no where i will definitely pursue it further.
  3. thank you i am useless at formatting its very much appreciated
  4. My eldest daughter had her purse stolen on the 18 April 2015 which had her bank card in. She reported it straight away to both bank and police. On Monday 20th of April I went to the shops and found that Norwich and Peterborough had stopped my bank card. I contacted them Tuesday morning for them to confirm they had stopped it and that they would be sending me a new one through the post. My eldest daughter had a call from police saying someone had handed in her purse and thankfully her card and other I.D. were still in it I told her to try her card to see if the bank had stopped it. They had kept her card active even though it was the one that went missing so she went to the bank and told them to destroy it there and then and to send her a new one out. On Wednesday the 22nd of April my youngest daughter tried to pay for her lunch by card to find that it was also stopped I got her to phone the bank and complain which she did. Now that's two cards stopped that were nothing to do with my eldest daughter and hers was left active. On Thursday the 24th I received a letter from the bank saying due to me reporting my card lost or stolen and contacting them they need the account number to investigate. At the top of the letter was my bank account number and my youngest daughters bank account number. I phoned them again informing them that I didn't report my card lost or stolen neither did my youngest daughter yet, they stopped our cards and kept the one that was lost active, and also that they had given me my youngest daughters account number. The response was we are sorry for the mistakes and would phone my daughter to find out what she wanted to do about it. They clearly breached the Data Protection Act because the letter was addressed to me. They have since sent out a new card which I still cannot use because all it tells me is that the pin number is wrong when I try my card at an ATM machine even though the bank said my pin number would be the same. My youngest daughter is stressing out because she has incurred late payment charges on a bill she pays for by her card every month and has never ever been late in paying. Any help on who I contact apart from the bank as they are useless would be most gratefully appreciated. Thank you . Sandra333
  5. have looked in forums and i want to start a new thread but can not find how to start one any help would be great please and thank you .
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