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  1. Thanks again id6052. Very helpful. I am just going through my old correspondences today and will keep the forum updated in case my experience may be of any help to others.
  2. Hi id6052, thanks for your support. I bought the property in 1999 when I moved in as a single person. My then girlfriend moved in with me in 2000. Unfortunately we separated in 2004 with her leaving this residence so hence I have requested the single person's discount beginning 2005. I am trawling through my old files to see if there was any formal communication. As I stayed on good terms with my former girlfriend she had confirmed to me that had been registered for council tax in her new location from 2005.
  3. Hi everyone. I am new to the forum and pleased to be joining such a fabulous, supportive community! A quick question on this topic. On telephone advice from a person in Barnet Council's office, I recently applied for backdated single person's discount of 25% as the council told me that I was defaulted to two persons. I have been single at this property since 2005. I just received an e-mail saying: "We are unable to action your request. As ignorance is not a valid reason please confirm reasons to why you did not notify our office at the time?" Before I reply, I just wanted to sound out any advice on how to achieve a favourable outcome. In particular: What are any legal precedents for backdating and refusing to back-date? If the council had defaulted me to two person dwelling, then are they obliged to be able to name the two occupants? Why is "ignorance not an excuse"? Is there legal grounds for challenging this default position? Any advice on what I should mention or cite in my response? I am in pretty serious financial difficulties and this refund would go a long way to turning my circumstances and life around. I would appreciate any insight or tips. Thanks so much, Peter
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