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  1. Thats a good point! and I wouldn't say that too him as he's team leader.I am actually quite fond of him and regard him as a friend.When I had the letter I weny straight to him and apologised profusely if I had upset him in any way.
  2. I don't remember saying it and it says on the statement that there was an employee standing between us at the time but he didn't hear it but a new recruit that was standing away from incident did.So maybe I should appeal at the penalty I'm not going to admit to something I don't remember doing! Something dosn't ring write about the whole incident I wonder if it was a setup as it would cost them a lot of money to make me redundant and I do know redundancies have started at our other sites.
  3. Yes they have regarded it as gross misconduct and yes there is a right of appeal.It clearly says in team leader statement that after I allegedly said it that he laughed so he couldn't have been too put out.When I recieved the paperwork a week later I was shocked!If it was gross misconduct should I not have gone immediatly or at least the next day.The disciplinary hearing was with two members of company staff who do not actually work on site the original conversation was about working conditions and the team leader is one who is always joking and you never know if he is serious or not.That day was particulary tough as there was no floor space to be able to operate high pressure machines.
  4. Have a permanent contract of 30 hours not in a union as they dont recognise it .There was an investigation whilst I was on holiday and I had a letter to attend a hearing on 2/4 Thursday(the alleged incident occured on 24/3 Tuesday,but not reported until 27/3 Friday) I was dismissed instantly from the hearing without pay in lieu or any paperwork.
  5. Hi I have been dismissed from my employment of eight and a half years for apparantly swearing at the team leader no warnings whatsoever 2 witness statements were taken one saying nothing and one anonymous saying I did but conflicting content to team leader statement.I do not remember saying this .Where do I stand? I am 59 yEAR OLD WOMAN WITH ABSOLUTELEY NO HISTORY OF SICKNESS OR DISCIPLINERY ACTIVITY
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