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  1. Thanks for the reply - I have been getting in such a tizz about this. I will ring them tomorrow to ask for my NCB proof and pay whatever they see fit... that will teach me to surf the net for bargains. Next time I am going to use a broker!
  2. On Easter Saturday I was browsing the internet looking for a cheaper insurance for a newer car I was picking up that day. Found it and signed up straightaway. I realised that my NCB wouldn't apply I then phoned the company I had for my older car (still on the road) to cancel that insurance to release my NCB certificate. The chap I spoke to said he would ring me back as he felt I was being hasty (and I now agree with him). The policy had only been in force for about 20 days so missed the 14 days cooling off period. He didn't ring me back so I don't even know if the policy has been cancelled. I now want to reinstate my old policy to cover the newer car as well. The MOT on the older car runs out tomorrow and is in the garage right now (probably not going to get through!). I had to add this to my new car policy so won't get that premium back. I did it all back to front and now realise I should have phoned my company first before hitting that send button on the website. I want to change back to the other company but feel embarrassed as I had got myself in a state of panic as I needed the new car covered. This is costing a fortune and I haven't driven anywhere yet. I wonder if I should just cut my losses and insist on a NCB proof as soon as possible.
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