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  1. I'm in the process of finding out who owns the land, I did report it to the shop but was fobbed off saying I have no chance etc. I have absolutely tons of photos showing how deep the crater is plus tons of pictures of the danage, plus a witness. I think maybe I should send the land owner a letter explaining the situation. I have gotten prices of the necessary parts and fitting costs.
  2. Hi all, Bit of a weird one but I am sure you guys can offer some solid advice. I was leaving a private car park of a retail shop, as I was leaving I went through what only can be described as a crater. The crater was taking up a full parking space and was filled with water. I've driven through it, ripped and scuffed all the underside of the car and cracked the bumper in a few places. It's nothing massive but still annoying and was wondering where I stand in regarding claims etc. It'll probably cost £200 (guesstimate) to get fixed. I was thinking of finding out the land owner and contacting them, then going from there really. Do I have any legal grounds or am I knackered? Cheers.
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