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  1. Hi honeybee, thank you for the reply. It isn't about a property there. I have savings there from before my marriage 5 years ago and I have recently separated, I wanted to know if my husband is entitled to half of this money. It is what is left from the sale of my house 10 years ago. He has never added to these savings and the account is solely in my name. My husband is on disability and receives more than enough to cover his needs. I am living on 100 pounds a week interest from this money until I can get myself a job or my pension. Whichever is sooner.
  2. King, what is your problem? If I converted the money back to sterling, I would not have enough to buy a small 1 bed flat in the North of England. I worked hard for 35 years to buy the 3 bedroom house I had before I was married. Are you saying I do not deserve to keep that?
  3. The interest is 9.25% per month. This is for a Turkish Lira account. Don't forget, the Lira is 3.7 to the pound. When I invested, it was 2.7
  4. King12345, 100 pounds a week is not a lot to live on.
  5. Stigman, there are also Turkish Cypriots who were displaced trying to find the graves of their loved ones too.
  6. Thank you for the genuine replies. As for sitting on a goldmine, hardly. It is what I have left from selling my house before I went to Cyprus. The interest there is 9.25 a month.
  7. Hi, Please can somebody give me some advice. I left my husband yesterday due to his unreasonable behavior. I had to call the police as he would not let me go and mildly physically abused me. I have savings in North Cyprus that I had there from before we married and would like to know if he goes to see his friend, who is a solicitor, can he make a claim for half of this money. The account is in my name only. The only time I have used this money was whilst we were married, I bought a house in my name to restore and sell in the U.K using this money and once the sale went through, I transferred it back to North Cyprus again. There is actually less money in the account now than when I first opened up the account before we married. I do get 400 pounds a month interest on it a month but I am having to live on that now. My husband receives disability and E.SA. Can he start a quickie divorce to try to get half of this money. I will not agree to a divorce though as the unreasonable behavior was on his part and I have not committed adultery? Thank you so much for this help, I am going out of my mind with worry.
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