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  1. Hi everyone, Is anyone in the same situation or maybe I can get an advice? In 2007 I took together mortgage( interest only) with Northern Rock for £162.000 For the first two years we were paying interest only £865.30 at 6.35% After that in 2009 the interest dropped to SVR 4.78% so they recalculates our payment to £663.30.(interest only) We decided to keep paying the same original amount, and start overpaying the mortgage. Over months/years our outstanding balance was decreasing. In November 2013 I realised that the amount of interest charged has been the same since 2009 despite overpaying by nearly £15k by then. our outstanding balance decreast by around 15k but the interest has been charged from £162k that we originally borrowed. I have contacted NRAM and they told me that the interest has been the same because I haven't instructed them to recalculate it. And if the overpayments where over £500 a month it would be done automatically. they told me I have to call them each time I overpay over £500 and ask to recalculate my monthly payments. Is this legal?? In my mortgage documents it says that my interest is charged daily. Re overpayments ''Following receipt of a regular overpayment or a lump sum repayment, the amount that you owe and the amount of interest that you pay will be recalculated with effect from the following day'' When I checked my statement back only with two statements in 2009 there has been a note under overpayments that "If you make your monthly payments by Direct Debit and the overpayment is £500 or more your monthly payment will be changed automatically. You have the option to leave your monthly payment unchanged, which will have the effect of setting up a regular overpayment and further reduce your outstanding mortgage balance..." Is there something I missed here, or NRAM is taking a chance? In original morthage documents there was no mention that i have to phone them and ask to recalculate and no one has told me that when i was setting up overpayments which them. I would really appreciate your opinion, thank you.
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