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  1. I am never voluntarily letting them in to see that anyway. As I have stated above my worry is in case I get summoned to court, they turn up with police ( a scary thought in itself regardless of me breaking the law or not) or gathering evidence from neighbours (during their numerous visits) if that can count? These are what I would like to know people's experiences about. Do you get in trouble if you do not talk to them? And if I were to start paying now, would I incriminate myself some more by raising suspicion why address was unlicensed in the past?
  2. I do not but it is connected to receive live broadcast. They will never be lucky enough to talk to me, however as I said I am worried if I could be summoned to court should they get my name from other sources and/ or confirmations from a neighbour regarding me having a tv set. They have been very persistent in their visits as of late and I wonder what would happen if they turn up at my doorstep with the police.
  3. I have lived at my property as a tenant for a little over a year. My landlord lives abroad, I rent through an agency and they left all their property here incl their TV so getting rid of it is not an option. I never got a TV licence for this property in the time I have lived here. Automatically generated letters threatening various actions have arrived. I am used to these as I never owned a TV in my life but previously I didn't need one either, so had nothing to worry about. However now that I do, I am worried. I live on the 1st floor in a block of flats and I personally know my ground floor neighbours who have been to my flat and would recall seeing a tv here. It would seem even though I have never spoken to one nor would I ever open the door to one, a TV licence person has been regularly coming to visit my property for the past few days. This has been around 7pm so a bit out of normal working hours ( I haven't a clue what normal working hours are for them!). I cannot think of another person who would cause such harassment so I am certain it must be them. However they have never during these visits left a note/letter to say they've been and will be coming again. I am pretty sure after declining to open the door to them today that they went knocking on other doors (which didn't open) and finally were talking to people downstairs. I asked my ground floor neighbours but they never told me a thing in regard to who it was (just stated it wasn't them knocking earlier when I was having a bath) and I have never discussed TV licence business with them. I am worried whether I can get away without paying for a licence if getting rid of this TV is not an option. Would a confirmation from my neighbours be enough for them to get a court order without talking to me? Would them obtaining my name through some other source also be enough proof of my identity? Would I if I were to as a last resource go on their website and sign up for a licence TODAY using my original details get in trouble even more because now they'd know who I am and would probably wonder why the property was unlicensed for the amount of time it was, so I could be prosecuted? Please help!
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