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  1. Yeah I got the job. And I went on a wage top up because it was low payed cleaning. But they never sent any money through after that. They said there was a payslip averaging problem and assured me it will be sorted out. Than the job ended because it was seasonal. After that they have insisted I am still working. I have signed 4 statements, supplied the proof they asked and told them 6 times I am not working. What do you mean by rule? Do the JSA regulations and legal acts have any meaning at all?
  2. NameThis is my case so far: Jobcentre DWP Accusations, Claimant’s Defence and Claimants Evidence (this was in a table but the format changed here): 14/08/2014 - Failure to attend interview/signing. Claim was closed. I notified the Jobcentre that I had a job interview they will tell my adviser. Was assured it would be sorted after a Rapid Reclaim on recording. Company and person I went to for the interview. Email, Phone call record. Claimant is working. Very low payment put through. Amount changed many times. I supplied payslips and was on a wage top up. Was assured it would be sorted on recording. Wrong calculation/averaging on payslips recorded evidence of adviser admitting this. I signed 4 statements and provided the evidence asked to show I was not working. Bank statements, P45. Claimant is working. No payments put through. New Claim. I signed statements and provided all details they asked to show I am no longer working several times to many members of staff. Was assured it would be sorted on recording. Wrong calculation/averaging on payslips recorded evidence of adviser admitting this. I signed 4 statements and provided the evidence asked to show I was not working. Bank statements, P45. Claimant is working. No payments put through. New Claim. I signed statements and provided all details they asked to show I am no longer working several times to many members of staff. Was assured it would be sorted on recording. I signed 4 statements and provided the evidence asked to show I was not working. Bank statements, P45. Claimant is working. No payments put through. New Claim. I signed statements and provided all details they asked to show I am no longer working several times to many members of staff. Was assured it would be sorted on recording. I signed 4 statements and provided the evidence asked to show I was not working. Bank statements, P45. Claimant is working. No payments put through. New Claim. I signed statements and provided all details they asked to show I am no longer working several times to many members of staff. Was assured it would be sorted on recording. I signed 4 statements and provided the evidence asked to show I was not working. Bank statements, P45. Claimant is working. No payments put through. Not entitled to bus fares. Failure to attend Community Service. New Claim. I signed statements and provided all details they asked to show I am no longer working several times to many members of staff. Was assured it would be sorted on recording. I asked for the bus fare for the interview during the interview the XXXXX said she will not give me the bus fair, although she had done previously. She did not give a reason why. I than asked for the bus fair to get to the Community Service interview that was two hours away, they did not let me have any bus fare or travel card. I had no JSA payment and no transport allowance there was no way for me to attend interview. I signed 4 statements and provided the evidence asked to show I was not working. Bank statements, P45. Bus receipt, audio recording of XXXXX refusing to provide bus fair. Recording of XXXXX being informed no JSA payment had been received. Emails informing XXXXX I have not had JSA payment put through and require £6.30 bus fare. Other cases of misconduct towards the claimant: Non receipt of benefits during payslip dispute. According to Part 10, Section 2, (1) I should be receiving my JSA as usual despite any dispute of payslips. ''Sums to be disregarded in the calculation of earnings'' ''2. (1) In the case of a claimant to whom this paragraph applies, any earnings (other than items to which paragraph 1(2) applies) which relate to employment which ceased before the first day of entitlement to a jobseeker’s allowance whether or not that employment has been terminated.'' Non supply of clothing allowance Non supply of travel card. Preventing me from seeing my terminally ill Father that was in William Harvey Hospital. Continued harassment despite my asking to resolve issues. The stress of my fathers illness, my mothers care needs and the constant harassment by the DWP became unbearable. Non adherent to Job Centre Regulations 16, ©, (ii). Circumstances in which requirements must not be imposed – My Fathers Illness and passing away. I was told I must attend interviews or my money will be stopped several times, this is false information which leaves me feeling very distressed. I was told incorrectly by XXXXX that there are never Managers in the building. Interviews on 06/11/14 with the Floor Manager and Advisor I left feeling humiliated and deeply distressed. Avoiding communication with me. Withholding information. Non adherent to Job Centre Regulations Part 2, Section 16, 4b. Not processing two appeals sent to two offices. In my opinion, bullying behaviour Unlawful financial penalties (“disallowances” and “sanctions”) Unnecessary delays in addressing complaints or appeals In my opinion, blatant lies, manipulation and incompetence when corresponding with me and Councillor XXXXX. Breaching your own deadlines on dealing with a complaint. Non adherent to Job Centre Regulations 16, ©, (ii). Circumstances in which requirements must not be imposed – My Grandmothers terminal Illness and battle with cancer. I have 5 years of documents, audio, video, emails, phone call records and 2 Subject Access'. It would be a lot easier for me and my representative to bring along the relevant documents and show them to someone. I have spoken to two managers and they both refused to see any evidence I had. The citizen advice bureau don't know what to do they did not understand basic terminology or practice. My MP took my details but ceased communication. Councillor XXXXX did attend an interview with me and a Job Centre manager but ceased communication after that. I suspect she was using it as her own training and to win votes. The Police online crime report did not respond to my email. My JSA adviser XXXXX ceased communication. The Job Centre say they did not receive my appeals. I have sent an email to the Independent Case Examiner and waiting for response. I would like to speak to someone that is high up enough in the company to resolve these issues. Is this possible?
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