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  1. So even if the arrears are paid in full the possession order is still in force?
  2. Oh ok it's my mistake then. I thought if you paid off your arrears then that was done and dusted type thing as that was what they was claiming for etc and they would have to start a new claim should you fall behind again. Thanks for letting me know.
  3. Hithey call it a warrant for possession but it was an eviction warrant. I went to court in October and it was suspended. I then came in to some money in December so paid all the arrears in full. X
  4. Hi I have a question. I had a possession warrant which was due to be executed lat October. I managed to pay the arrears in full in Decemeber after having the warrant suspended etc. I have fallen behind again and have been contacted by my mortgage company to say that they are going to apply for a new possession warrant. I thought as I had paid the arrears in full they couldn't do that and would have to start a new claim. They replied to this question by saying it stays on file for 6 years, is this correct.? Any help or advice regarding this is appreciated X
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