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Everything posted by shamana

  1. Hello everyone and thank you for all your answers. He is 21, and the day he got this 'warning' the police made him spend like 10 hours on jail. They didnt ask for any fine or something. He do hold a spanish passport, as well as me but I really dont understand about this things. He was saying in the future he wants to get the british passport as he says he can benefit more but I dont really know, I'll have to ask him.
  2. Hello everyone I would like to know if my boyfriend who is spanish can apply for the british passport. Last month he got a warning from the police because of domestic violence ( he fought with his neighbours...). All I want to know if that is gonna be a problem if he wants to apply for the british passport. Thank you so much.
  3. Oh I thought they would send bailiffs if I failed to respond to DCA letters
  4. So I did receive my letter yesterday saying I have to pay them £ 150 within 21 days Can I ignore it safely? Im scared they could send bailiffs at home, what are the chances?
  5. Hahaha it is a lancome liptick... Oww poor ur wife dont do dat, just tell her to buy drugstore makeup which is way much cheaper... brand name makeup is always this expensive I guess
  6. Thank you immensely everyone for ur replies also do u know if there is any way I can stop the mail arriving home, like asking royal mail if they can keep the letters until I go to pick them up??? I really dont want my parents to know about this :/
  7. Hello everyone.... basically a few days ago I v been caught by debenhams security staff shoplifting a lancome lipstick(£55) , I know its so bad but I wanted it so badly but i did it as i knew i would never be able to afford it... I feel so bad and ashamed for that, and every day I wake up I regret it so much... when they caught me they took me to the back room and took the item from me and took my name and address... they said to me that LRP would send me a letter home telling me the amount of fine I have to pay and now im still waiting for letter to arrive...my questions are: A) what would happen if I dont pay the money? B) willI have criminal record ?? C) how much can they make me pay??? Im so poor!!!
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