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Everything posted by sperry

  1. Thanks Uncle, I'll send the CPR off and see what they come back with, I'll post up there reply. Think I'm searching for documents in case they come back with any ghost payments, lacking detail of any sort, I have the paperwork to throw straight back at them.
  2. Sorry about the lack of detail over last few days, family emergency unfortunately. The paperwork I need to send out is the CPR letter to the solicitors along with a SB letter. The bank aren't playing ball, don't have a passport or I.D and there not accepting my paperwork as proof of I.D.
  3. So any paperwork/statements from the account I was using at the time of alleged payment, am I correct in thinking this should sway any balance of probability towards my favour? I need to be in town tomorow so can visit branch to get those statements. I will also be sending out any other paperwork I need to send out tomorow.
  4. This is my concern. I know with this debt I didnt make any payments. Besides having statements for the period of doubt from the account i had, is there anything I can be looking at obtaining? This should show on a SAR if it was only assigned in 2013 surely?
  5. Im fretting more about the up to date payment than i am who owns it. In relation to the statute barred, I would put everything I have that no payments were made on this debt. I wouldn't of said it was statute barred if i had any doubt.
  6. The short answer is I dont know?? Double checked the claim form, definately lowell portfolio ltd. Double checked credit report and compared the defaults.... default dates are same, the lowell default has an account started, which is also the same as LLoyds. The lowell defaults payment history however only has one entry and that was 22/09/13.
  7. So quick update, been checking my credit report a bit more thoroughly, ive never checked it before for one reason or another... ive been checking payment history and its showing that the payments were up to date 56 months ago, which i think puts it to april 2011. Definately made no payments to Lloyds, no payments to any DCA either. Been on phone to bank to try and trace any transactions, but its from an old account so it may take 5-10 days. According to credit report it was only assigned in 2013, so am i right in thinking that anything before that date should show in a SAR to Lloyds? My head is battered over this up to date on my report.
  8. Thanks, up in 6 hours so time to call it a night. Will pick everything back up in the morning. Fresh mind, fresh thinking. Cheers for the help today all.
  9. Dont worry DX i wont be sending anything in without anyones recommendation, concern Ive got is asking the wrong thing or bringing up an irrelevant point or asking questions on what should be simple. If I were to raise a dispute with Lloyds over interest and charges would that have any relevance to the defence? Given that the debt was bought at an amount that was incorrect?
  10. In regards to the default, Ive been having a look at my report, and there are two different defaults for this debt, one from Lloyds, one from Lowell, both default dates are the same. Would I be wasting my time with including a statute barred letter with the CPR lot? Ive got a couple of questions really I could do with clarity on, but I dont want to rush through things. Could i rattle some off to you??
  11. The default date was 23/04/2010. Ive noticed something on the report though... the default balance was 1855. Lowell was only asking for 1768 prior to this. checking payment history on it now. It was updated to a 0 balance on 11/08/13. 11 day after the debt was assigned.
  12. Not made a payment thats a definate. In terms of acknowledging the debt then I havent sent them a letter or even on the phone. I can check the default date through credit report cant I? Will check the letter a little more now. thanks again
  13. Agreed haha In order for us to help you we require the following information:- Name of the Claimant - Lowell Portfolio I Ltd Date of issue – 10 Dec 2015 What is the claim for – 1.The defendant entered into a consumer credit act 1974 regulated agreement with Lloyds under account reference, (the agreement) the defendant failed to maintain the required payments and a default notice was served. the agreement was later assigned to the claimant on 24/06/13 and notice given to the defendant. 2.despite repeated requests for payment the sum of 1768 remains due and outstanding. And the claimant claims a) the said sum of 1768, b) interest pursuant to s69 County Courts act 1984 at the rate of 8% annum from the date of assignment to the date of issue, accruing at a daily rate of 0.388, but limited to one year, being 141.46, c) costs What is the value of the claim? 1909 Is the claim for a current account (Overdraft) or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? current account ( overdraft charges ) When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? AFTER Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. The Debt Purchaser Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? I dont recall getting one. Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? Dont recall getting one. Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? I haven't got one yet I dont think. Why did you cease payments? Fell into some hard times in work and they was demanding more than I could afford. What was the date of your last payment? 03/06/08 Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? Nothing in writing. Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt managementicon plan? Yes in Branch.
  14. Yeah same debt. Thanks Ill do that now. Hi all, been issued a claim by lowell on a SB debt, Issue Date was 10 Dec. I have the statements from opening the account to the account closing. Just looking at help if possible. Thanks
  15. So opened the door this morning to find a letter from County Court Business Centre, turns out Lowell have issued a claim. Issue date was 10 Dec.
  16. Evidence so far consists of all transactions from opening the account to its closure. Been told if i need any letters to go back into branch. Going back tomorrow to get a confirmation letter. They tried charge me a fiver per sheet to haha
  17. Looked over the response again. It seems that i fall under " scheme liability" defined in section 1.1 of the scheme. If ive any chance i would need to fall under the "excluded liabilities". Will be havin a scan over it hoping i see something. Will let you know if i find anything of interest.
  18. So an update. Been into branch today and got a list of transactions. Last time a payment was made to this account was 06/06/08. Had aright miserable sod behind counter though. Had RBS on phone today to, had a lad claim that us being in financial difficulty and a vunerable household makes no difference to them, also told me it had been sold to fredrickson, backtracked and tried tell me that a debt sold is the same as actin on behalf of. Felt like bangin head against wall.
  19. Thanks renegade, i'll be working on this monday, i think ive got all templates needed already bdownloaded. So an update. Been into branch today and got a list of transactions. Last time a payment was made to this account was 06/06/08. Had aright miserable sod behind counter though.
  20. Ohh DX, i was in a slightly bad mood but the 'willy waving' comment didnt half make me chuckle. Letter also mentioned County COurt BUlk Centre, sure i've read dodgy stuff in relation to that. All of it noted and thanks guys.
  21. Only thing DX, tbis letter does says WILL. "You must contact us or make arrangements to pay within the next 14 days or a claim WILL be issued without further notice to you." Followed by a breakdown of whats costs incurred would be. Then goes on to say failure to respond to the claim MAY result in a CCJ entered against you.
  22. Oh its definately SB'D.havent made a payment or even attempted a plan since meeting mrs, and that was in 08.they claim i owe 1800, but90% of that was bank charge. Ive read in a few places that adjustments of O/D's can be used to reset the 6 year clock. Any idea?
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