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  1. Im quite new here and I hope I can get answers.I just checked my bank account ,I discovered two payments where taken and one was for a fee of £51 the other was for 3RD PARTY DEBT ORDER Now Im surprised as I don't know of any debt I owe, this money came out as debit on 17/02/2015/ however someone made payments to 21/02/2015 and I was able to withdraw this money(£200).Im yet to contact my Bank as at work still.my question would be, where they not meant to be any sort of correspondence to me just to let me know what was going on?can they keep taking same ammount from my account? would they have to apply for this 3rd party debt order every now and then? can a 3rd party debt order be made for just £50 plus fees?how can I stop this?I will be very greatful for any help before I do something rely stupid financially.
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