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Everything posted by jacki99

  1. Hi, I am new to posting but not new to the site. I cam on really for a little bit of advice. I am trying to improve my credit rating. A few years ago it was terrible so I've been paying things off and not applied for anything other than this card. I was declined....however, I then received a form through the post to fill in, one of their "invitations" so I filled it in and a week later I got a call asking for my bank details as part of verification. I then got another call saying that they have trouble verifying people who use my bank and so asked for my driving licence number. I gave this and was then asked to set up a direct debit. After setting that up, I was told I was approved and offered £100 cash advance. I said yes ok I will have that and it was due to go into my account by tomorrow. However, I got a text today saying the £100 has been cancelled and to call them! I called and the lady said they need to see proof of my bank details and that nothing will be sent out to me until they can verify these. They need to see my name, address, account number and sort code. So I have just got the front page of my bank statement showing all of this information and put it into an envelope to send off. Is this usual practice as it seems very strange to me? Will this one piece of paper be enough? They said they only want to verify the details so that surely is plenty. Or is this just messing me around and then I will get declined? I've not heard anyone else say that this has happened to them before. Please respond if you can thanks.
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