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  1. This surely is yet another problem caused by the latest money grabbing idea from DVLA. Surely being able to buy a car with its tax intact was a good thing? It allowed a vehicle to be bought and driven away with just a call to the insurer, not now of course. That's to say nothing of all that lovely revenue they get for nothing! If the vehicle had been taxed in a post office with a disc to put in the window, this thread would not exist would it?
  2. barry9

    Renew 70+

    I tried to log in to renew my licence. Was asked for my Gateway number which I had, but could not remember my password. Forgot your password? no problem, just click on the link to get a new one. Clicked on the link as I have done on other sites, expecting to tell them what password I now wanted. Big problem, if you have forgotten it, all you have to do is fill in three questions asking for previously stated memorable names etc. Now surely, if I cannot remember a one word password, why would I remember three other words? More to the point why does it matter? It's not as if its my bank account, if I have the Gateway number which can be checked to my address, why can't the new password confirmation be sent to my e mail address like most other password driven sites do?
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