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Everything posted by casperellis

  1. Thank you for your help. PPI is good advice as is referral to Noddle. Many thanks
  2. No I haven't the debts are credit cards and student overdrafts which we have always kept up to date with but haven't yet paid off, I don't dispute any of them so wouldn't have thought this was necessary? Wouldn't a DCA only be involved if there had been some kind of default? And if there was a default surely we would know about it? Is that right or could a creditor not bother contacting us and go straight to a DCA? I think that's what I'd really like to know, does this contact mean there must be a debt or could it just be completely false? I guess the best place to go then is the credit check agencies? Hope that makes sense. Thanks a lot.
  3. Yes thanks I know how to do it but as I said don't have the facility to do so.
  4. Thanks for the link. Unfortunately I can't post pdf as have no facility to do so.
  5. Hi there, my husband received a letter today which looks like a payslip and is from 2F Wescot Credit Agency. The matter it says it refers to just gives a number and no kind of description, the number means nothing to us. There is no information at all as to why they are contacting us and we have no idea what it could be about as as far as we're concerned we have no debts owed which we aren't already paying correctly. Is there any way of finding out what they could want without actually calling them as it seems that making contact is not the best idea with this agency? Or do we just ignore it until (if) we get something more concrete? Thanks in advance!
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