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Everything posted by caroxj

  1. Hi there, Can anyone give my friend advice about the fourth letter received? The letter is with a title called "without prejudice save as to cost" or threaten to issue the court proceedings. It follows the fact that the accident happened on 20th October in Primark where no police were called and the goods were returned. The security wrote down my friend's contact etc. My friend was trying to pay for the fine but stopped after I have shown him there are cases out there. So many, he started receiving the letter since 6th Nov with a title called "Letter before claim" saying the cost 130 and 21 days to pay, blah blah blah. 2nd and 3rd letter are roughly the same asking for a payment. .. and now they are asking for 91 instead opening for 21 days. Thing is I and my friend have been CAB. The staff there are so sincere that relief my friend and there is no need to pay. They also have arranged the solicitors for this. The answer is also not to pay and refer to the oxford case or so. Is there anyone else know the legal aid? That's what the solicitor said my friend can get one and deal with it given that my friend is unemployed. But the fact is my friend needed to see counsellor since the event. I supposed such depression or some sort may make him have a mind to pay. He can't afford that much money. Anyway I will still remind him of this. So I wonder if anyone can tell if there is any idea about this case? Is there any update about the relevant cases? Any idea to defence? It's also a great chance to thank in advance and for all of the input that ever contributed in this thread. Sometimes I would say how generous you guys are when giving out advice while you are the victim. Any idea or input would be much appreciated!! Cheers
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