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Everything posted by Kevin_D

  1. I'm not sure. Everything went into the shredder as I made numerous attempts to set-up repayments via standing order and they refused to accept. Advice at the time was to ignore any correspondence.
  2. Received an email. Getting a little nervous now. FINAL REQUEST - This is a serious matter and should not be ignored An arrangement to pay your Balance of £×××× needs to be made within the next 14 days, failing which your account(s) will be considered for Legal Action. The next letter you will receive from us will be a Letter of Claim prior to the issuing of a County Court Claim
  3. One final Q; Does a claim form mean the start of court proceedings? If so, that leaves me feeling a little uncomfortable. FWIW - I'm in Northern Ireland.
  4. @dx100uk; Filed an IR claim with the default (QQ) in 2015 but they responded with a list of credit checks that they had done at the time. @fkofilee; Will do. Thankyou. If PDUK have marked it as satisfied and this DCA send it back to them, can they make another entry into my credit file or is the issue considered closed?
  5. Had another two PDL. One has been paid, closed and refunded via irresponsible lending claim. The other is defaulted (2013) as they wouldn't accept my continuous offers of paying balance off over 10 months by standing order. They wanted my bank details to help themselves. Have not moved. Same address.
  6. Yeah, noted. Wasn't sure though as other threads suggest that they hand out CCJ's like confetti.
  7. Hi all Debt outstanding since 2013. Received the initial letters from PRAC & BW Legal through post, offering discount etc. Received a second letter from BW Legal today threatening a CCJ Was thinking of sending a CCA request but wanted to check with those in the know if it was the correct course of action. Last entry for PayDayUK on credit file (Noddle) shows as satisfied as of 01/01/2017. I can only assume that this was when the debt was sold. Should I go ahead with the CCA or sit tight? Have read up whatever posts are active on the forum for BW Legal but the advice differs. Thankyou
  8. Yeah. Have an account with a very small overdraft (£100), which I'll settle and then setup a payment. After the final payment, they'll be getting a letter on irresponsible lending.
  9. Quick Q on your last point debrag15..... Whe you say 'falls off your credit report', what do you mean exactly? I've heard and seen snippets with regards to a company only being able to post to your credit file for 6 years. Is is this in which you refer? I ask as I've had QQ post to my credit file for almost two years now. Will this 'fall off' after the 6 years is up, or 6 years after I settle? Thanks.
  10. Hi all Posted previously on my predicament with QQ but need some further advise.... I currently have approx. £1000 of an outstanding loan with QQ. This has been in default for almost two years, as they refused to accept my offer of paying £100 per month by standing order as I refused to give them access to my account. The debt keeps recording to my credit file with a default. I contacted them earlier this year to complain about irresponsible lending and their response was a refusal to pay interest & charges 'at this time'. I took that as an answer to my current outstanding debt and believe that I may have a better opportunity of reclaiming the money I've paid after I have settled the debt. Do they have to accept my offer of setting up a standing order? How do I stop them reporting to my credit file when I've made numerous offers to setup payment? I'd happily pay them £100 per month to have the debt settled and gone within 11 months.. ..but only via a standing order, or alternative to them having direct access to my account. Thanks.
  11. Got an offer back via e-mail from Wonga last week. My math, makes it around 80% of all the fees/interest I paid on the loans that they were willing to look into. Received the money in my account on Wednesday. Very pleased. Very pleased indeed.
  12. Sent e-mail to Wonga. Received response the same evening, telling me that they will "review the affordability of the loan(s)" and respond within the required 8 weeks. Have they adopted a new strategy?
  13. Sent on to FOS. They gave me the same response to two queries I had sent.
  14. I sent a formal complaint to QQ citing irresponsible lending etc but got fobbed off with two replies showing me the credit checks they were supposed to have done at the time and mentioning the electronic contract that I had agreed to via email. Is there any other angle to go at? I have an outstanding balance of £1200.
  15. Received email from QQ today with an attachment claiming that they did the required affordability checks with CallCredit and mentioned consumer credit agreements from each loan. Any suggestions?
  16. Thanks. I'll email them and let you know the outcome. Did you send the email to the support@quic******** address?
  17. That's great news, Saffa. I would also like to contact QQ on the same matter, could you throw some info my way on your wording & approach?
  18. Thanks for that. I'll prepare a letter (was it a letter or e-mail you sent?) and get it sent away
  19. Excellent news! Jec, could you send me a few pointers on going about contacting Wonga and claiming back the interest? Thanks.
  20. As above Yes I made numerous offers of setting up 10 x monthly payments via SO but was refused. Having read this and another forum of similar nature, I knew a DD option would result in numerous attempts to empty my bank account. As my wages were still going into the account at the time, I wasn't comfortable with that. Couldn't find the section 77 ?!?
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