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Everything posted by solos

  1. Hi, I've been Chasing the Clydesdale bank for 4 years over mis-sold ppi from 1991 . I received an offer from them this week and was wondering if anyone could help me with the offer calculations, I am struggling to work out if the calculations are fair and correct. The loan amount was for £4800, taken out in August 1991 over 5 years & the monthly repayments were £149.47. The offer details are PPI premiums paid £1343.52 Plus 15% simple interest £47.78 Plus 8% simple interest £2468.65 Minus 20% incometax on simple interest £503.29 Total compensation due £3356.66 Not sure if the PPI premium was loaded upfront at the start of the loan or if the premiums were taken with each monthly instalment. If someone could please explain how they worked it out and if its correct,I just can't get my head around it. Much Appreciated Thanks
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