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Everything posted by mybeachesone

  1. Yes my defence was that I did intend to display it as I stuck it to my car window, but when I returned it was in the footwell. It was a particularly hot day so I can only assume it unstuck due to the heat. The actual permit they give you is quite large and they didn't give me a sticky wallet or anything so I just stuck it with sellotape. They have photographic evidence it wasn't on the dashboard or in clear view, so I said they should have looked a little harder as it was on the floor - but obviously they wouldn't accept this. Following a few phone calls and letters to Devere, they increased the charge, and I consulted Napier with no resolve, and kept getting hit with higher fines, or invoices, and then I was offered mediation which I refused as I didn't want to negotiate as I had rude customer service, (they were rude to my husband on the phone, however Mr Williams said my husband was rude so I would like him to take the phone recording to court). They have shown no flexibility in letting it go. I have lived in the block for 2 years and Napier unwillingly hired this firm, I didn't agree to them hiring Devere. I am now planning to move from my flat just to get away from these bullying tactics. In mediation today I saw that Devere were in two more mediation sessions after me so I can only presume other people are in this situation. I can perhaps understand if I wasn't a resident and was parking in someone's space, but this is my space which I own. So I said all of this as part of my defence, printed out freeholder and leaserholder agreements, contracts between Napier and Devere etc.
  2. Hi there, I own the freehold of my flat. There is someone who owns the block – I have this written down and can dig it out tonight if it is useful? Yes the managing agents of the block of flats are Napier Management Services in Westbourne. It is stated in my mortgage deeds that the boundary which I own includes the parking space – this is clearly outlined. I have the agreement between Napier and Devere. Napier appointed them for about the last year, to manage the carpark and to give fines to anyone not displaying the relevant ticket for their space, or for no permit at all. I asked for Napier’s help but they couldn’t offer any. Thanks
  3. Hi Everyone, thanks for your advice. I had to go to a mediation session today and I refused to pay £125 which they offered me. They wouldn't accept my £45 offer. I am now requested to go to a hearing in July. Can anyone help offer me advice. I believe I haven't done anything wrong and that they won't let this fee go as a good will gesture. I live in the flat and own the space, I displayed my permit and it fell into the foot well - but it seems there is no room for any slip with Devere. I am saddened after today and came out of the mediation feeling intimidated and upset. I am a normal person who complies to rules, has never been in trouble, works hard but doesn't earn a great deal and I feel I am being victimised by this company. If I get a CCJ will that damage my credit report? If I pay the fine on the day will that remove it? Please help me!
  4. Hi there, I attended a mediation session wtih Devere Parking Services and I didn't want to pay the extortionate fee for parking in my own car parking space which I own (proven on mortgage deeds). It is now going to a hearing and I need to get my defense together. Can someone help me please as I have never done anything like this before and felt intimidated and upset after my mediation session. I was made to feel in the wrong when I don't believe I did anything wrong. Please help!
  5. Hi there, yes it is a claim form from County Court Bulk Centre in Northampton. Thanks
  6. Hi there, I have read a lot of forums about Devere Parking Services and I now need your help. I have been issued with a £175 fine for parking on my own car parking space outside my flat for not displaying my parking permit. It was displayed, or at least I thought it was but it was a hot day and the sticky stuff must of melted off. they fined me £20 first and I appealed against it, then they sent me another court order for £175. My management company have done absolutely nothing to help and said Devere only pay them £75 a year to manage the car park, so I am presuming they get their money from fining people. I am not sure what to do next, should I appeal again? I read somewhere that it can be overidden and there may be the option to pay £20 again but I am not sure....
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